What is ANIMA?

By Gattila, in Anima: Beyond Fantasy RPG

I received the FFG catalog in the mail this week. Anima caught my attention, so I did some research. Very little turns up online, and the closest B&N didn't have the book in stock. Here's what I know so far ...

- It's a blend of Asian and European gaming styles/myth/art.

- It's a fantasy RPG (anime?) using percentile rolls.

- It seems flexible regarding the setting and characters.

- The book has background information and character sheets.


- What is the background?

- Does the book contain a starting adventure?

- Is it FFG's version of GURPS? (Generic Universal Role Playing System)

- What is it like to create characters and use them in play?

I'll post more questions if I think of any.



Of course, I find the Anima website after the original post ...


But this brings up the question(s) ...

... why doesn't FFG's site have more information for a game they are selling, or at least point me to AnimaRPG.com from their product page?

... or is this information here on FFG's site, and I just missed it?



Is it okay if I add some questions to this post as well?

The book is expesnive... ($60), is it worth paying such a high price if you don't plan on using it a lot or whatnot?

My group (I'm GM) doesn't do well with rules... lol. To be completely honest, they get the dice and the stats and all that, but basically any extra rules I tend to remember for them. I'm the one who owns most of the books and is most in touch with the RPG world as a whole. So, with a group that does do better with rules light stuff is Anima's more rule heavy (it is rule heavy, right?) system good?

On the plus side, my group would love an Anime inspired game... which I understand this game is and does a good job of potraying. The book does do a good job of potraying the idiotically overpowered combos and magic of anime shows like Dragon Ball Z and Naturo and anime games like FF and Devil May Cry, correct?

DO you understand that it's an enormous crime ? And that you're killing the RPG industry by doing such things ? I must ask you to remove the link and the file from the net and elsewhere you know it is. It's totally crazy that you put a scanned book on sale on the proper site of the editor !!!


Sure, feel free to add you questions. If your group likes rules-light RPGs with good story, then you may look into Everway.


Simple, typed responses to the questions would have been sufficient.

- Gattila

Gattila : Welcome ! This board can help you, I've already answered to a few question about Anima. And, if you're looking for more answers, check the official board http://animaforum.edgeent.com/ . And, Anima IS great gran_risa.gif

@Skeith : sorry, I didn't thought I'll need to be offending in this board, but I didn't imagine that someone could be that stupid... aplauso.gif

First off i cant take the link off because it will no longer let me edit it, two i didnt put the scaned book online, three i was told by friend that this was just a sample of the book not the whole thing. i have not had the time to download it myself for the lack of a home computer im useing a friends right now. if it happen to be tho whole book i am sorry FFG and to everyone that put all the hard work into making it. i just thought i would try to help i know none of the book stores around me carry this book. i dont know about you but it would be nice to look at what your buying before you buy it even if its just a sample.

Post with the rapidshare link removed. Let's not have any more of those, okay? Thanks!

First; I know, so I reported to moderation, and thanks FFG.
two: Ok.
three: Better have a look at it before telling people about it... this was the whole(only missing the character sheet that can be officially found online).
It's good trying to help, but the official features and fan-written comments are enough to have an idea of the thing, and for people who don't have it in surrounding stores, there's a online shop.

Well, it's done, and started with a good intention, but not enough care. Try not to make such mistakes again ^^ (and tell your friend to keep his file for himself only and absolutely not give him to other people. That's stealing in theory...)