Want those promo figs? FFG is sneaky!

By shnar, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

FFG just put up their Christmas sale, and look what they're slipping in!



Says they're aren't available *yet*, but looks like they will be selling them! For $3.00, that's a no brainer!

(also, Doom for $20 and Doom Expansion for $10?!? Time to replace my faded dice!)


Interesting. Does anyone know why Nara the Fang isn't in this bunch?

Probably because she's being included in SoB? (1st printing at least)


Didn't realize that. Thanks!

And then they were gone?

Lindsey said:

And then they were gone?

Yep - they were there about 10 minutes ago and now they've disappeared.



They better honor the orders for the set they had up earlier.

Yeah, I was about to order the set but had to cook dinner. Come back and they've separated them and Tobias is sold out. Didn't get them, and kinda annoyed they changed it like that.

I bet you're not as annoyed as the marketing guy whose instructions were misunderstood by the guy who didn't want to be working the day before Thanksgiving. I'm pretty sure that $3 each was the plan the whole time. happy.gif

Fine, sell them seperately... but how can Tobin be sold out ALREADY???!???! I would think most Descent players would want all of them, and that FFG would have manufactured an equal number of each of them... just weird

A pity. At $3 for the set, I was rather tempted (and may have bought something else at the same time to justify shipping), but at $3 each I'll pass. I can make my own heroes easily enough, and it's not like I trust FFG to do more reliable design, balancing, or proofreading, given Descent's track record. Having "standard" heroes with nice illustrations and individualized figures is worth something, but certainly not $3 each--at least, not to me.

Of course, if they're selling out, I guess they must be hitting their sales target, with or without my participation.

So I went to buy these figs from the store (because HELL YES) and I ran into a bit of a problem. For some reason the checkout system won't accept my username and password. The forums obviously will, but not the store. I've emailed FFG about the issue, though I'm not really expecting a response until after the holiday. =I

Hopefully there will still be some in stock for meeeeeeee! Although the product descriptions don't say it's a limited time offer, so I'm probably okay. The price might not last though...

I was able to place my order as a set...I hope they honor it!

I also noticed that when you look for other Descent products that they are listed with everything else...like the dice and expansions, maybe this isn't a one time thing??

Does anyone know what these heroes actually do? I'm sure I am not the only one who is curious.

Jonny WS said:

I was able to place my order as a set...I hope they honor it!

I also noticed that when you look for other Descent products that they are listed with everything else...like the dice and expansions, maybe this isn't a one time thing??

Does anyone know what these heroes actually do? I'm sure I am not the only one who is curious.

These are English translations of foreign promo heroes given out at conventions in Europe. There's an older thread that offers translations of the hero abilities. I don't remember all of them off the top of my head, but IIRC Truthseer Kel's attacks do not require Line of Sight and ignore Shadowcloak, for example.

Steve-O said:

So I went to buy these figs from the store (because HELL YES) and I ran into a bit of a problem. For some reason the checkout system won't accept my username and password. The forums obviously will, but not the store. I've emailed FFG about the issue, though I'm not really expecting a response until after the holiday. =I

Hopefully there will still be some in stock for meeeeeeee! Although the product descriptions don't say it's a limited time offer, so I'm probably okay. The price might not last though...

The forum login is something complety different. You need a separate shop account.

I've also managed to order them while they were still up as a set. Hope this works...

Jonny WS said:

Does anyone know what these heroes actually do? I'm sure I am not the only one who is curious.

Here ya go

Force1 said:

Fine, sell them seperately... but how can Tobin be sold out ALREADY???!???! I would think most Descent players would want all of them, and that FFG would have manufactured an equal number of each of them... just weird

Tobin was in stock. Bought all 3.

Steve, for security reasons, your account in the FFG store is different from your forum account. You'll just need to create an account.

Also, our web-team did make a mistake in combining the three SKU's for $3. This was later corrected. We will honor the sales of the "set for $3" to individuals who were lucky enough to see this.

Thanks Everyone!


TheFlatline said:

Force1 said:

Fine, sell them seperately... but how can Tobin be sold out ALREADY???!???! I would think most Descent players would want all of them, and that FFG would have manufactured an equal number of each of them... just weird

Tobin was in stock. Bought all 3.

He was listed as out of stock for about an hour and a half yesterday. I bought a number of games last night, but none of the characters because it changed from $3 for all to $3 for each, and when I made my purchase Tobin wasn't available, and there was no way I was going to buy just a couple of the heroes and not all of them.

I was able to buy all 3 last night. Must have gotten in stock again :)


The Spaniard said:

Steve, for security reasons, your account in the FFG store is different from your forum account. You'll just need to create an account.

Hey, thanks for the response! During the holiday vacation no less. FFG never fail to impress me with service like this. =)

I have now created a store account and ordered my minis (along with Wolf for Tannhauser because hey, he's there.) Thanks so much for the response, now go eat some turkey!

That is really cool! What is FFG's policy on shipping to Canada?

Jakews said:

That is really cool! What is FFG's policy on shipping to Canada?

They do international shipping. I assume that Canada is in the down where you pick your shipping and it determines the postage charges. Someone (here or at BGG) sais that shipping to Switzerland (or maybe Sweden?) was only $7.60, so I doubt shipping to Canada would be too expensive.