The Badguy's Trades Now with Quest

By Sol Badguy, in UFS Trading

My Rules

1.Simulsend is prefered but I will follow ref rule if you insist.
2. I'll trade to anywhere if the trade is good.
3. I don't sell cards
4. I will check lists but don't tell me to do so unless you have at least 1 thing off my wants list.
5. I have lots of Legacy, 3point, and 4 point stuff just ask if interested.

Hall of Fame:

Hall of Shame:

Current Refs: +3


UR Attacks:

Quest of Souls:
Mt. Devil Divider x2
Bloody Funeral x1

Blazing Fist x4
Law's Somersault Kick x1
Fruit Picker x1
King's Reverse DDT x1

Soul Caibur 4:
Shredding Vibrato x4
Lightning Horn x2
Double Grounder Beta x2
Seigfried's Earth Divide x2
Alshain Najm x3
Hades x2
Hades Destroyer x1

Command the Sandstorm x1
Striking Thunder x2
Odin's Wrath x2
Rage of the Dragon x3
Twilight Embrace x4
Jotun's Fury x2
Mighty Knee Strike x1
Two Deadly Rings Technique x1

UR Foundations:

Quest of Souls:
Quick Exit x1

Soul Caibur 4:
Challenge to Battle x1
Flexible Body x1

Paying Respects to your Ancestors x2
Valued But not Trusted x2

UR Actions:

Soul Calbur 4:
Hunger for Souls x2
Corrupting Evil x1

Kneel Before Me x5

Destruction in his Wake x2
Toughest in the Universe x3
Test of Strength x2

UR Assets:

Quest of Souls:
Yoshimitsu x2

Devil Gene x1
Designer Clothes x4
Jaguar Mask x2
Kazuya's Gloves x3
Paul's Gi x2

Soul Calibur 4:
Psuedo Soul Edge x2
Acheron & Nirvana x1
Soul Edge x2
Kulutues x1
Ice Coffin of the Sleeping Ancients x1
Sailor's Rest x1
Tower of Rememberance - Encounter x1


Wandering Dragon Staff x1
Scroll of the Abyss x1
Monestary of Mount Lao x1
Valkynsverd x1

Promo Attacks:

Mark of the Beast x4
Close Throw x5

Promo Foundations:

Stand Off x4
Cursed Blood x6
Martial Arts Champion x4
Tower of Souls x1
Paid to Protect x2

Rare Characters:

Quest of Souls:
Mitsurugi x1
Yoshimitsu x1

Soul Calibur 4:
Tira x1
Hilde x1
Astaroth x2
Algol x1
Nightmare x1

Rashotep x1
Lu Chen x1
Temujin x1
Astrid x1
Yi Shan x2
Zi Mei x1
Ragnar x1

Christie Monteiro x1

Rare Attacks:

Quest of Souls:
Lower Celtis x1
Spiral Blade x1

Double Face Kick x3
Hammer of the Gods x3
Flinging Half Nelson x3
Samba x2
Knee Thruster x3
Turn Thruster x3
Rolling Sabat x4

Soul Calibur 4:
Siren's Call x1
Midnight Launcher x1

Fierce Twin Slash x2

Rare Foundations:

Quest of Souls:
Strange Fashion x2
Lost partner x2

Searching for Family x2
Boxing is Life x4
Killer Android x1
Need to Destroy x4
The Ultimate Team x2

Soul Calibur 4:
Memories of the Stained Armor x2
Anger Towards a God x2
Temporary Being x4

Calming the Mind x3
Bloodied but Unbowed x4
Atoning for the Past x4
Intolerant of Failure x5
Covenant Elder x4
Determined to be the Best x2
Endless years of Practice x1
Dead for One Thousand Years x4

Rare Actions:

Ready for Launch x2
Overconfidence x1

Soul Calibur 4:
Aura of Strength x3
No Forgiveness x1
Immovable Object x1

The Dragon of Mt. Lao x1
Pillage x1
Ascending Zepher x2

Rare Assets:

Soul Calibur 4:
Eiserne Drossel x2
Gianzende Nova and Frischer Himmel x3
Psuedo Soul Calibur x2
Tower of Remembrance Degradation x1
Tower of Remembrance Spiral of Time x1

Ymirfang x2
Armor of the Forsaken One x1



Mt. Devil Divider x2
Deathcopter Attack x4
Knight Breaker x4
Quick Exit x3


Tekken Forces x4
Two Deadly Rings Technique x3
Paid To Protect x6
Flexible Body x3


Stand Off x4
Midnight Launcher x3
Lost Partner x2

Hey Sol,

I'm looking for The Ultimate Team and Toughest in the Universe.

Please check out my Trades and see if anything strikes a fancy. I've done some trading since posting, so please inquire about specific cards to confirm i still have them.

Also, i have cards from older NewFS sets (ShadoWar, and SoulCal) that aren't listed that you can inquire about as well.

i thought about it and i was wandering if you would do 2x d-draw and something small(like an ult treeborn or something like 5-10) for 2x knight breakers?


do you have a **** acc?

OMG said:

i thought about it and i was wandering if you would do 2x d-draw and something small(like an ult treeborn or something like 5-10) for 2x knight breakers?


do you have a **** acc?

Don't have an ULT Treeborn. Besides KBs go for 30 and D-Draws go for 30. its a fair trade straight up.

Also no I do not have a **** account.

what rarity d-draws? I'll do it if there ultra, but if there super then they only go for $25.00... if you dont believe me then go to

OMG said:

what rarity d-draws? I'll do it if there ultra, but if there super then they only go for $25.00... if you dont believe me then go to

Both Ultra and both First Edition.

BlackFireDragon said:

Hey, Im interested in your x2 Odin's Wrath and x1 Bloody Funeral and maybe x1 Paid to protect. Please check out my list and let me know if there is anything you'd want for them. thanks

I no longer have the Funeral but I do have a Third Odin's Wrath if you are interested? Also Paid would be pretty had to get off of me without a REALLY good offer.

Anyways I saw these:

Deathcopter Attack x2
Quick Exit x3
Arrayed for Battle x1

LMK if we can work something out?

hey ill do 2x knight breakers for your 2x d-draw (ultra)...

would you wanna simul-send? i should have +1 rating on this site but i guess scott gaines never gave it to me...

I have +5/0 on **** under omg1313

OMG said:

hey ill do 2x knight breakers for your 2x d-draw (ultra)...

would you wanna simul-send? i should have +1 rating on this site but i guess scott gaines never gave it to me...

I have +5/0 on **** under omg1313

Do you have an AIm or Email we could discuss this on?

send me an email at and we can discuss here

o yeah this is OMG sorry on my friends acc

o yeah this is OMG sorry on my friends acc

Yoko Charming Fox said:

send me an email at and we can discuss here

Sent you an Email.

I am also looking for Flexible Body. I have a Mt. Devil Divider for trade. Doable?

double posted for some reason

Sol Badguy said:

BlackFireDragon said:

Hey, Im interested in your x2 Odin's Wrath and x1 Bloody Funeral and maybe x1 Paid to protect. Please check out my list and let me know if there is anything you'd want for them. thanks

I no longer have the Funeral but I do have a Third Odin's Wrath if you are interested? Also Paid would be pretty had to get off of me without a REALLY good offer.

Anyways I saw these:

Deathcopter Attack x2
Quick Exit x3
Arrayed for Battle x1

LMK if we can work something out?

sorry but all of those are going in another trade or not really for trade (quick exit)

thanks anyway