Hilde * (gard von Krone), dutpotd's 1st place Calgary store - Trilogy - champ deck, Nov 21, 2009

By dutpotd, in UFS Deck Building

Please also see my tourney report in the tourney report section , overall tourney top 8 results were posted in general section under the topic regarding 'has anyone had their store champs yet?'


1 X Hilde (F,G,O) * (starting character)


2 X Dual Wielding (F,G,O)
2 X Clash of the Ages (F)

= 4


3 X Valkryja’s Shield (F,O)
3 X Hilde’s Weapon Asset (Sword and Spear) (F,G,O)

= 6


3 X Mark of the Beast (F,G)
3 X First Rite (F)
3 X Dragon’s Flame (F,G)
2 X Pommel Smash (F,O)
2 X Siren’s Call (F,G,O)
2 X Cleave (F)

= 15


4 X Shadowar (F,G)
4 X Ultimate Team (F, O)
4 X Hope for One’s People (F, G, O)
4 X Financial Troubles (F, O)
4 X Paid to Protect (F)
4 X Cursed Blood (G, O)
3 X Relentless (F, O)
3 X Memories that Stain It’s Armor (F)
3 X Standoff (F)
3 X Torn Hero (O)
2 X Determined (F, O)
2 X From the Hawk, Alertness (F, G)
2 X Resourceful (F, O)
2 X Envoy of the Queen (F, O)

= 44

Total, not including starting character = 69

Basic strategy involves surviving until you can one-shot with Hilde (usually turn 3/4), taking out answers with Pommel/Sirens/Cursed/Memories/Hope/(Clash+Pommel).

Alternate strategy involves Mark -> Sirens/Cleave/Pommel -> Dragon's Flame which works surprisingly well when you can't use Hilde for whatever reason. Depending on what your opponent has you can minus and pump the middle attack using Shadowar(s) and still play the Dragon's Flame with combo enhance for +5->12 while fully comitted.

In practice the most common kill was, build turn 1, attack with a 13 speed for 10 Cleave or a 9 speed for 5 pommel turn 2. Then with a 66-80% vitality opponent finish the job turn 3 with a Mark of the Beast, using the momentum to get to 8 damage, P2P to reduce to 1 from 7 keywords in hand for game practically.

Generally the attacking to draw and deal 'some' damage turn 2 only happens if I go first. If I go second I am usually forced to play defensively and try to commit as little as possible on my turn 2 (including character) to survive my opponents turn 3 assualt. As you can see from the results, I played 6/7 of my top 8 games going second, and won 5/6 of them, so defending and winning going second with the above deck is very possible which was the goal in mind when building a 18 vit character.

As per usual, yet I still try, Financial Troubles did jack in this deck and if I ran a similar version I would take it out for a Fire/Good/Order foundation from Hilde's support or something else to help the multi-symbol. Every other card is really useful I find.

I might have had 1-2 too many attacks in this deck and I'd probably go 3 shield, 2 weapons for assets if doing it again.

Another consideration would be to up the Determined count to 3, it was a true star at making turn 3 kill turns happen (the additional +4 damage is great from already used foundations). Obviously From the Hawk is just in there for spam/block/Fire+Good for chaining.

Sideboard was this:

1 X Mark of the Beast (sided into once)

2 X Leg Slash (sided into twice)

2 X Strongest in the Universe

1 X Pommel Smash

1 X Torn Hero (sided into once)

1 X Memory that Stains it's Armor

= 8

If there are any questions please post away!

- dut

I can only imagine how much dumber this got with all of Amy's support. Congrats on the win Brett

Yes Brett grats on the win

DvON said:

Yes Brett grats on the win


And to nintendoman too.

DvON you better be there for the next one!

- dut

dutpotd said:

DvON said:

Yes Brett grats on the win


And to nintendoman too.

DvON you better be there for the next one!

- dut

Aww dose someone miss me.

Nice to see the deck. I know it has changed due to the new set. It is good that you shared this version of it. Thanks for sharing I apreciate it a lot.