Hamburger time Yoshimitsu

By bloodocean, in UFS Deck Building

Just the one, which is odd compared to my recent decks.

Asset 3
3x POTM goodness +2m

Blue 2
2x POTE 4m

Orange 19
Wipe the floor x4 +1m
Mid launcher x4
Mt. devil divider x3 +2l
Bad stomach x4 +2m
Leg Slash x4 +2h

Those awesome gray cards 35
Contemplating x4
War between sisters x4 +3m
Meditating in battle x4
cursed blood x4 +3l
ka tech x4 +3m
Treacherous offspringx4
Brooding x4 +3h
Perfect sense of balance x4
Unstoppable warrior x3

Havn't had the time to play this or the cards to actually sleeve it up yet, but just curious if anyone has any ideas to contribute. Seems pretty straight forward to play, pitch their hand, burn them, hit them and pray to god they dont have anti-discard :)

I don't get the Hamburger Time reference...

I like Two Deadly Rings Technique more than I do Bad Stomach , but to each his own. I also think you should run characters in Yoshi ; since Mt. Devil Divider leaves 'em wide open, Merciless Fighter is a godsend as far as damage is concerned, especially if you have The Hunt is On , and can thus do it all over again. Oh yeah, and Undisputed Ruler saves lives, too.

...And I don't get the Hamburger Time ref either. Sorry.

Is the hamburger time referencing "bad stomach" and a non-existant burger franchise?

LOL ok, I officially get it now.

Any reason why it had to be Mt. Devil Divider getting the Hamburger Time reference?

Its not Mt. Devil Divider getting the Hamburger Time reference.

Hamburger Time is used in place of the word death. So saying:

Hamburger Time Yoshimitsu = Death Yoshimitsu

Anyways... Nice deck though, Only one question... Why no Knight Breakers over Midnight Lancher?

Sold my playset of Knight breakers for quite a bit more than it cost me to aquire them lol. Honestly I just feel knight breaker is highly overrated as I have horrible luck getting the combo. That and I like having money over cardboard from a game that I'm not sure will last to set 15.