Soo, i see people post a lot lately about changing the zone of a multiple and then multiplying it out the multiples keep the changed zone. Has it always been like this? Or is that a change with the AGR? I thought it used to be multiples copied all printed values except for the text box but i see that isn't the case anymore (if it ever was :-O). Multiple
Multiple: X (Enhance) - E Discard up to X momentum: Place the momentum
discarded to pay for this ability face down into your card pool to the right of
the Multiple attack. Each of the cards placed into your card pool counts as a
copy of the Multiple attack with a blank text box and speed and damage values
equal to the printed values of the original attack. No control check is required
to play these cards, and each copy has its own Enhance Phase, Block Step, and
Damage Step. Players must go from left to right, resolving each attack in turn.
If a multiple copy would go to a player’s momentum for any reason, it is
discarded instead. If you attempt to create a “multiple copy” of a “multiple
copy,” the “copy of the copy” is discarded. The Multiple keyword is a played ability. A card with Multiple is also considered to have an enhance ability
printed on the card. Multiple copies have no printed values of their own. The
face down card is only the representation of an attack, and
anything that references printed values of the attack will return a
“null” (or “zero” for a number).