Luddite said:
Dak Rogers said:
Honestly, if Space Marines are allowed into the game, what's the point of having a guardsman class? If you tone down the mechanics of the SM, what's the point of having the SM? Isn't an SM just a Guardsman on steroids?
Of course, I'm oversimplifying, But my point is that from a roleplay perspective, couldn't you just flavor a guardman with equipment and a background and still have an SM, if you're not after the power of the mechanics?
Not sure.
How are a guardsman and a space marine's roles different?
Is a space marine really just a guardsman on steroids?
I'll have to look more closely at the concept text of the Guardsman before I can give you a more concrete answer. But to start, my understanding is that an SM is just a super pumped up version of a Guardsman. Stay tuned while I read closer so I can give a good response.
And to Dezmond:
I wasn't suggesting that an SM is really just a Guardsman on actual steroids. The phrase I used was only to express that a SM seems to be a guardsman with pumped up stats, abilities and equipment - mechanically speaking. So yes ... a "super hero."