English Quest Guide citation needed

By Parathion, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark


could someone please check the first page of the English quest guide of JitD and post the paragraph 4 of the instructions for setting up a new area (monster placement)?


4. The overlord places the monster figures for the area as shown on the quest map. Note that these monsters are not spawning - they were already lurking in the corridor or room, but the heroes are only now spotting them. This means that monsters can be placed in the heroes' line of sight when the overlord is setting up a new area.

Important: Remember that the overlord is limited by the available monster figures when placing monsters. If an area calls for figures that are not available, the overlord cannot place those figures unless he first removes figures of the same type from another area of the board. If the overlord can place some, but not all, of the figures of one type in an area, he may choose which of those figures to place in the new area.

Great, thanks! We were having an argument on this passage and I wanted to make sure there isnĀ“t yet another German translation error.