For LCG Players in the Madison, WI area

By Nevajas, in 3. AGoT Organized Play

*Reposted from the Warhammer Invasion Community*

Are there any LCG players in or near Madison, WI who are interested in league play? I work at one of the local shops there, Pegasus Games , and we have the second Tuesday of each month free. We'd like to fill it with LCG goodness. Any takers?

you guys really should start a rebranded WI meta thread in the "metagame" section of the forums; this is more for tournament info, as i understand it.

as i form plans to be in madison for a week or two in january, so i'm thinking about hosting a tourney hopefully i'll finalize when i'll be there sometime soon, so we can try to set a date and advertise.


I live in the Milwaukee area but I would be willing to make the drive up there once a week or so to come and play. Drop me a private message at [email protected]
