Tips for drafting?

By shaselai, in UFS General Discussion

I am new to this.. Just curious what are some good strategies for a draft? the ruling here is that elements dont matter but if element is required to play F/E/R then it does matter. Suggestion on breakdown of card types like X foundations, or priority on what type of cards to get? thanks!


What we do when it comes to draft is simply build decks out of what we pull from 6 packs, ignoring resource restrictions, but adhering to character and symbol specific restrictions.

When you say draft, you referring to the tedious process of each player selects a card, 1-by-1, until they have none left and can build their decks? If that's the case, I'd say know exactly what you're going to build, and take the key cards first, that way it'll be harder for people to "stop you" by taking away your key cards.

However, if you're referring to my first format, then the only advice I can really give is learn what support you pulled and how it works with your character. No resource restrictions allows for a lot of shenanigans, especially in this new set. Also understand you will likely run a lot of spam foundations.

we are doing 6 packs and 1 by 1 pass around style. There's no char element restriction so each char can use all elements - except when element is need for specific actions like fire E: do xyz etc. No weapons restrictions either - so Mitsurugi can use albion if he wanted... With that in mind any extra suggestions? Last time i did it i had something like 2 weapons (shishio + albion), ~23 foundations and ~15 attacks. Any suggestion on if i should get more attacks, more cards with counters/blocks or more utility type actions?