I'm not to fimilar with the 40k setting, Ive read several web sites and books that I picked up, and Ive been trying to fit my story with the setting. The party is a second generation Rogue Trader who's father sunk his fortune into rebuild of a ancient Frigate class ship Night Crusader. The party starts with a dedt to Adeptus Mechanicus for the repairs, there is Explorator charatcer, to Night Crusader. The Rogue Trader is trying to rebuild his family fortunes that were lost and try to find his father who was lost in the Koronus Expance on a exploration endeavor for help in setting up a mining site. His cousin is his Arch Militant on his ship, who brought along a pilot friend (voidsman) from his Imperial guard days. The crew is comptent whith most of the NPC personality pretty much filled out. There is the one ship and now the crew must try to rebuild.
How do the Merchant House work with in the Imperium ?
How much control does the Administratum control merchants?
Do the Arbrites act more like police or FBI?
How much fear of the unknown should the players portray when confronted?
What is the daily life of crew like? The people live there all there lives.