Hello, Reposting to clear some stuff up and provide more info.
I'm looking for people interested in playing Rouge Trader in Minnesota at "The Source" in Falcon Heights in the twin cities metro area. I plan on having gaming sessions being either every sunday or every other sunday Noon to 4pm. For character creation I plan on using the following rules;
- Option Point System for stats so all player are even stat wise.
- Origin Path with free motivation choice.
- Dark Heresy Characters are allowed but there stats will be generated the same as Rouge Trader characters with the point system at the cost of 2550 xp of their 5000 xp to bring them up to Rouge trader levels. The rest of their xp can be spent on any advances leveling them up from Rank 1 to Rank 5. So all advances must be bought from Ranks 1 through 4 untill another 450 xp have been spent the last 2000xp may be spent on rank 5 advances.
If you are interested in playing please post a reply with Career and Origin Path.