Anyone else shorted Rares?

By Smazzurco, in UFS General Discussion

In our prerelease one player got 3 packs without rares. In another prerelease i got a pack with no rare and an upsidedown common. In a box i bought i got atleast 3 packs with no rares.

Anyone else having similar experiences at prerelease? I know all printers are bad but it kind of sucks to get useless URs in a box, no god packs, and short like 15% of your rares.

Most of the shorted packs had 9 cards, but that one pack i had with an upside down common (bad breath was it?) had 10 cards.

Same thing at our pre-release. We had many 9 card packs with no rares, and lots of randomly upside down cards or things like that. I'm thinking maybe a factory worker was swiping cards before packaging.

One of our players opened a pack without a rare as well. It isn't too bad as long as your whole box(s) isn't screwed up. I'm not positive, but I think he was the only one in our playgroup to open a godpack so karma must have evened it out ;)

getting shorted rares is seriously atrocious.

I hope FFG steps on this one.

I was shorted a rare in my 6 boosters for the first pre-release. I know that one of the other players was shorted 3 rares from his 6 booster pool.

At the second pre-release I picked up a box, and all rares and ultra rares where accounted for in that box, but in the box that went to the pre-release group there was at least one booster shorted a rare, and another that had double rares.

Lantern was short a rare in his prize for winning the pre-release, but he pulled a god pack out of that same prize so nuts to him.

Two boxes, shorted 1 rare, was the first pack out of the second box. I've got the box still and can give the number of it if needed.

i wasn't short a rare but instead of an uncommon i got one of those pisprint cards that has a big white x on it, one of the commons was upside down too.

If we were shorted rares I didnt notice it...No god packs out of 2+ boxes though for our store...also not one Sacrifices for the cause out of 2 boxes either...Every other rare was pulled.

I think I win the shorted rares contest. :(

Not only was I shorted rares, I got half a Topps minor league baseball card taped to one of my uncommons.

Who ever did the print run, whatever factory, needs to get pummelled.


Mitsurugi was a boxtopper for our second box.

To rectify this they should offer a special "fight night kit" (maybe where you provide original receipt or box top) of 2 boxes of SCIV-2 and with a promo pack of paid to protect and arrayed for battle.

A man can dream...

Shiros said:

Mitsurugi was a boxtopper for our second box.

Oh yeah that reminded me our Third Box Topper was the rare Taki Attack with Reppa stats :/

The cards were everywhich way in my packs. The Only rare that looked right was acrobatic lol.

out of 3 boxes and 6 packs, 1 pack without a rare. Also same box, pack right infront of that one had a Promo Kilik in it instead of an Uncommon.

Also oddly, out of all that I only pulled a grand total of 2 of each character. Its a good thing but still odd since one box hand all 5, so out of 2 boxes and six packs I only pulled 1 of each character.

So far we in the midwest ( as far as I know so far ) havent been shorted anything. Russian Ruelette and I both bought boxes and we both not only did not get shorted any rares but we also both got god packs... we both pulled sacing for the cause too. happy.gif

In Calgarys Pre-Re one of out players pulled a End Of Print we assume (black card with a big white X on it, anyone else have one ;) ) instead of a rare i belive we let him play it as a 0/6 foundation

I got shorted a rare in my first pack in the prerelease, lucky my scout was able to get me another pack.

In the sealed prerelease, I was shorted 3 rares, and no one in the group pulled a god pack in the sealed or draft. I had two marked cards and used Universal Fighter both times. I guess I can't complain because I won first in the draft...

I just got box and after all the packs was open, I was shorted three rares.

However, I did get a God Pack in the last pack, so that evened things out.

DvON said:

In Calgarys Pre-Re one of out players pulled a End Of Print we assume (black card with a big white X on it, anyone else have one ;) ) instead of a rare i belive we let him play it as a 0/6 foundation

Anyways, it seems like everyone is getting shorted rares and getting goofy things with this set. Anybody know if FFG knows about this? Cause this problem will determine if I buy boxes of this set or not.

when i was shorted rares out of SCIV or Shadowar, i called them and they provided free replacement packs. I dunno if they are doing this anymore..this has to be an ouch in their pockets.

Seems mad legit if they are still doing that.

I mean, they really should. If it's their fuckup then they gotta do something...

Shaneth said:

Seems mad legit if they are still doing that.

I mean, they really should. If it's their fuckup then they gotta do something...

Generally most companies will offer some sort of compensation.

I got shorted 3 Rares out of 3 boxes - 2 in one box, 1 in the second and the 3rd box was fine.

Previously when this happened to a player in our group FFG provided a replacement pack for him - all the way in New Zealand. Very nice of FFG to do that.