So I wasn't sure about it, but an attack doesn't have to be printed high, but can be moved to high to get the damage buff. Say I play Hammer of the Gods and my first E changes it to high. Does it then get the +2 dmg buff from Mist Stance? Thanks in advance.
Mist Stance Question
Mist Stance says "While this card is in your card pool, your High attacks get +2 damage." It says nothing about printed, so as long as the attack is high after the block step, it gets +2 damage.
What happens if you swap the speed and damage while it's still high? Say you have a 5 speed 6 damage high attack. Mist stance gives it +2 damage so it's 5/8. If you play the enhance on Playful ("Switch your attack's speed and damage") would the attack be:
- 6 speed / 7 Damage
- 8 speed / 5 Damage
- 8 speed / 7 Damage
Assuming the answer is 2, if you change the zone of the attack from High to something else would the Damage drop to 3 or speed to 6 or would it stay an 8/5?
The +2 will only be applied once per attack.
Is it applied when the attack is played, when it becomes High Zone, or after blocks are resolved?
1. I play a Mist Stance, and then I play a Mid Zone attack which I later change to High. Does my attack gain +2 Damage?
2. I play a Mist Stance, and then I play a High Zone Attack which I later change to Low. Does my attack keep it's +2 Damage?
3. I play a Mist Stance, and then a Mid Zone attack which I change to High, and then Low. Does my attack gain +2 Damage and keep it?
VaporGecko said:
Is it applied when the attack is played, when it becomes High Zone, or after blocks are resolved?
1. I play a Mist Stance, and then I play a Mid Zone attack which I later change to High. Does my attack gain +2 Damage?
2. I play a Mist Stance, and then I play a High Zone Attack which I later change to Low. Does my attack keep it's +2 Damage?
3. I play a Mist Stance, and then a Mid Zone attack which I change to High, and then Low. Does my attack gain +2 Damage and keep it?
From my understanding of what has been said so far:
1) The bonus will apply as soon as the attack is determined to be a high attack. For printed ones, it's as soon as it's played. For mid or lows changed by card effects to high, it's as soon as they're changed to high. So on question 1, yes.
2) The bonus will only apply once per attack. If the attack is (or the moment it becomes) high, it will get +2 damage. If it's changed back to mid or low, it will keep the +2 damage given from Mist Stance, but if it's made high again the bonus will not work because it only affects each attack only once. So on questions 2 and 3, yes.
A stamp would help alleviate my questions on this issue as well.
guitalex2008 said:
VaporGecko said:
Is it applied when the attack is played, when it becomes High Zone, or after blocks are resolved?
1. I play a Mist Stance, and then I play a Mid Zone attack which I later change to High. Does my attack gain +2 Damage?
2. I play a Mist Stance, and then I play a High Zone Attack which I later change to Low. Does my attack keep it's +2 Damage?
3. I play a Mist Stance, and then a Mid Zone attack which I change to High, and then Low. Does my attack gain +2 Damage and keep it?
I'm glad you asked this question because I came here to ask it.
From my understanding of what has been said so far:
1) The bonus will apply as soon as the attack is determined to be a high attack. For printed ones, it's as soon as it's played. For mid or lows changed by card effects to high, it's as soon as they're changed to high. So on question 1, yes.
2) The bonus will only apply once per attack. If the attack is (or the moment it becomes) high, it will get +2 damage. If it's changed back to mid or low, it will keep the +2 damage given from Mist Stance, but if it's made high again the bonus will not work because it only affects each attack only once. So on questions 2 and 3, yes.
A stamp would help alleviate my questions on this issue as well.
I played that if it was high, then changed zones, it lost the bonus.
Not saying you, or I, am right or wrong. But we definately played it different, which makes me believe that lots of people out there are playing it different.
Clarification por favor?
An attack can't just lose a bonus that is given to it. That's like saying that if you play First Rite, Second Rite then Third Rite (and the First Rite dealt damage), that if you change the zone on Third Rite it will lose the +2 damage given by Second Rite, which isn't correct. This doesn't mean that changing the attack's zone then back to mid will give it +2 damage again; it won't because the bonus from the floating effect will only apply once.
So if Third Rite can do it, Mist Stance can do it too.
In theory, with a Jyurakudai out, a Mist Stance can and will be applied to everything. Watch:
1) I play a low attack. Resolve floating effect of Jyurakudai, it's a high; resolve floating effect of Mist Stance, it gets +2 damage.
2) I play a mid attack. Resolve floating effect of Jyurakudai, it's a high; resolve floating effect of Mist Stance, it gets +2 damage.
3) I play a high attack. Resolve floating effect of MIST STANCE, it gets +2 damage; resolve floating effect of Jyurakudai, it's a mid/low.
After all, as the turn player, you choose which order floating effects happen if they have the same trigger.
guitalex2008 said:
An attack can't just lose a bonus that is given to it. That's like saying that if you play First Rite, Second Rite then Third Rite (and the First Rite dealt damage), that if you change the zone on Third Rite it will lose the +2 damage given by Second Rite, which isn't correct. This doesn't mean that changing the attack's zone then back to mid will give it +2 damage again; it won't because the bonus from the floating effect will only apply once.
So if Third Rite can do it, Mist Stance can do it too.
In theory, with a Jyurakudai out, a Mist Stance can and will be applied to everything. Watch:
1) I play a low attack. Resolve floating effect of Jyurakudai, it's a high; resolve floating effect of Mist Stance, it gets +2 damage.
2) I play a mid attack. Resolve floating effect of Jyurakudai, it's a high; resolve floating effect of Mist Stance, it gets +2 damage.
3) I play a high attack. Resolve floating effect of MIST STANCE, it gets +2 damage; resolve floating effect of Jyurakudai, it's a mid/low.
After all, as the turn player, you choose which order floating effects happen if they have the same trigger.
But the rites and Mitsus F for that matter, say "after you play a high attack".
Mist is a static, "your high attacks get +2dmg" i could see it being that if it is no longer high, it no longer gets +2dmg.
I could easily take either ruling, but would like something official
That's just the thing. Mitsu says after a high attack is played, thus if an attack is mid then changed to a high nothing happens.
Mist Stance says that while on the card pool, all of your high attacks get +2 damage. Meaning it keeps checking during every attack, continuously, to check if it's a high. As soon as it becomes a high attack, Mist Stance resolves in its entirety for that attack, giving it +2 damage.
When a high attack gets +2 damage, it keeps it. It can change the zone, but this doesn't make the already-resolved bonus go away. Mist Stance's continuous effect already resolved once on that attack (which is why it can't do it again).
As soon as the attack is high, Mist Stance resolves for that attack. If it stops being high... nothing happens.
guitalex2008 said:
When a high attack gets +2 damage, it keeps it. It can change the zone, but this doesn't make the already-resolved bonus go away. Mist Stance's continuous effect already resolved once on that attack (which is why it can't do it again).
Can you show me something to show this is fact and not your opinion?
I just need some sort of "proof" for my own well being.
Looking in these Q&A is like stabbing yourself in the eyes with used needles.
I couldn't find anything, but my example with the Rites still stands. If you play First Rite, use its E and it deals damage, then play Second Rite and use its E, then Play Third Rite and change the zone, it will not lose the bonus given by Second Rite.
I mean if you could take the bonus away, a Hilde off of Fire would LOVE Mist Stance. Play a high attack, Jyurakudai to make it a mid and remove the bonus (reduction so far = 2)... but after a bonus is given nothing can take it away except for a reduction...
It would make sense to me that effects like Mist Stance would apply themselves after the enhance step or during the damage step, would make headaches like this not happen
. Thats just me though
When in doubt, I always bother Hata at work lol
He agrees that:
1) When Mist Stance is on the card pool, it will continuously check the zone of every attack played.
2) If one of the attacks played is a high attack, Mist Stance resolves for +2 damage.
3) As soon as a different zone attack changes to high, Mist Stance resolves for +2 damage.
4) If an attack that has received the bonus changes zones from high to anything else, the attack will keep the bonus. An attack can't lose a bonus once it is given.
5) The bonus can only be applied once because Mist Stance's continuous effect will only resolve once per attack.
Had the conversation in here, but it's not really necessary.