Conquest Tokens

By jingully, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark


newbie question here,In the rules It states with the starting adventure the players start with 5 conquest tokens.

Quote : 7A. Collect Conquest Tokens and Place Hero Figures

Finally, the heroes receive a number of conquest tokens as indicated by the quest they've agreed to play. For Into the Dark, they receive five conquest tokens to start.

Is there a bit in the rules for starting amount of tokens? Does that information reside in the quesst guide and I can't find it?

thanks in advance

Each quest in the quest guide tells you how many conquest tokens the heroes should start with. Usually in the second-to-last sentence of the "Quest Goals" section.

Thanks for the reply,I feel such a fool,I've just got the game and In my excitement missed that bit.

This is my first FF game and first "big game",and I'm playing the Overlord!

wish me luck