Where can i find a rule book for 3v3 and 4v4.... or can you only have 1v1 and 2HG in this game?
Is there any rule books for variants like 3v3 and 4v4
The rules for multiplayer are in the Support section of the CoC LCG. I think that is what you are looking for.
Where exactly is this support section?
Might I suggest FFG post the multi-player rules as a sticky which would save the likes of mongo here cluttering up the forum?
So if a card effect will also affect the active player then the correct text is - all players.
If a card effect pertains to all INACTIVE players, that is what they mean when they say - all opponents. Hmmm
Where exactly is this support section?
Might I suggest FFG post the multi-player rules as a sticky which would save the likes of mongo here cluttering up the forum?
On the one hand, I completely agree that rules and whatnot should have an easier link.
On the other hand, I don't think this forum is at risk of getting cluttered, what with 2 or 3 posts per day!
TheProfessor said:
There are way more posts then that! They're just removed to preserve our sanity...
Here is the Home-made rule from the cénacle for a 1 against 2 rule :