Is there any rule books for variants like 3v3 and 4v4

By iGaveHimLife, in CoC Rules Discussion

Where can i find a rule book for 3v3 and 4v4.... or can you only have 1v1 and 2HG in this game?

The rules for multiplayer are in the Support section of the CoC LCG. I think that is what you are looking for.

Where exactly is this support section?

Might I suggest FFG post the multi-player rules as a sticky which would save the likes of mongo here cluttering up the forum?

So if a card effect will also affect the active player then the correct text is - all players.

If a card effect pertains to all INACTIVE players, that is what they mean when they say - all opponents. Hmmm


Where exactly is this support section?

Might I suggest FFG post the multi-player rules as a sticky which would save the likes of mongo here cluttering up the forum?

On the one hand, I completely agree that rules and whatnot should have an easier link.

On the other hand, I don't think this forum is at risk of getting cluttered, what with 2 or 3 posts per day! happy.gif

TheProfessor said:

...I don't think this forum is at risk of getting cluttered, what with 2 or 3 posts per day! happy.gif

There are way more posts then that! They're just removed to preserve our sanity... gran_risa.gif