I found Mina a few weeks ago, and I've been trying to build her off wind for huge speed and an empty card pool. I've modified it a lot on my own and it mainly focuses on having more momentum than my opponent. For easy reference, here are her abilities:
Mina* 8 hand size, 18 life
R: After you play a ranged attack, discard 1 card from your card pool.
R Discard 1 momentum: After you resolve an action card during your opponent's turn, repeat its effects (paying all costs and making a control check again for the card as normal).
Foundations (37)
2x 0/5 Powerful Style +2M
3x 1/4 The Sword That Protects +1M
2x 1/4 Hwang's Protection +0H
4x 1/5 White Magic +3M
3x 2/4 Feline Grace +1H
3x 2/4 Wind Dance +3M
2x 2/4 God of Metal +1M (B1)
3x 2/4 Abelia's Friendship +0H
2x 2/5 Leave at Dawn
3x 2/5 Schmetterling Fighting Performance Arts +3L
2x 2/5 Mishima Zaibatsu Leader +2H
2x 2/6 Nine Lives +1L
3x 3/5 Communing with the Ancients
3x 3/5 Billiard Player
Assets (2)
2x 1/5 Sacred Temple
Actions (4)
2x 2/3 Hop +1M
2x 6/2 Unparalleled Potential
Attacks (16)
2x 4/2 3M4 Tsunami Sabre +2M P2 (I like this one. It was a 21 speed 177 damage in one play test )
2x 4/2 2L4 Melancholic Mercurius +2H M2
3x 4/3 3M3 Dio-Cega +3M
2x 5/2 3M3 Hammer of Demiurges +3M B1
3x 5/3 4M4 Terrestrial Heavy Machine Gun +2M
1x 6/2 5H8 Treacherous Ballade +2L
2x 7/3 4M7 Thunderbolt +2M R
2x 8/2 5L8 Prova-Dei-Cervo +2L
62 cards total.
For kill turns, I start out with Unparalleled Potential and a Prova-Dei-Cervo, knock out my opponent's momentum and hand with other attacks, and then I'll finish off with something huge if they aren't dead yet. I like making my attacks practically unblockable with Sacred Temple, but a well-played Dark Bite or something like that can get rid of my main speed bonus.
It's somewhat slow (maybe turn 4-6), but it's never been much of a problem. My real problem is with heavy control and early kills like Raphael/Fight or Flight. I've thought about splashing Good, but I'm not sure.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.