Pavilion looks like a terrain.
Its abilities and layout work like terrain abilities (one affects both players), and mirror the other terrains in the set.
It is borderline overpowered if not terrain or unique.
Should this get an errata?
Pavilion looks like a terrain.
Its abilities and layout work like terrain abilities (one affects both players), and mirror the other terrains in the set.
It is borderline overpowered if not terrain or unique.
Should this get an errata?
ARMed_PIrate said:
Pavilion looks like a terrain.
ARMed_PIrate said:
It does, however it also mirrors cards like Path of the Master.
ARMed_PIrate said:
This is starting to look more like a General Discussion thread, then a rules Q&A Piece.
Based on the wording, this is a General discussion item, and not a rules Q&A thread. I'll ask that any one who wishes to discuss this please move it over to General Discussion.
That being said. If your question was reworded to "Is this receiving errata / functional errata?" And that answer would be...
Yes. Steve will be covering this in his December State of the Game. (Did he do a November one?)
When the set becomes legal for play in December, Pavillion will have functional errata in the form of an added Keyword: Terrain.
I will be updating the Omni-FAQ Next week.