For example: The beastman has a ST 5 (4): Does that mean he has a total DR of 9?
Toughness: 5 (4) Is that a total soak of 9?
Agility 5 (4) is that a total defense of 9? memory is hazy and it's been on my mind...
>>>>>Umm... sure they do. Look on pg 51 of the Tome of Adventure. The number in parenthesis next to the number for their Strength is their DR. They have no CR unless you give them specific weapons, in which case you use the DR and CR of that weapon.
So, as an example, if a monster has an entry for their Strength that shows 5(4) ... their Strength stat is 5, and their natural DR is 4. Toughness is similar, 5(4) means thier Toughness is 5 and their Soak is 4. Agility of 5(4) means their Agility is 5, and their Defense is 4. Anyway, check the stat line for the specific enemy in the Tome of Adventure.