V on ABC

By Stag Lord, in 8. AGoT Off Topic

Anybody watching the new remake of the 80's mini series V on ABC these days? its pretty good - and its filling my need for political commentary along with halfway decent sci fi.

I can't wait for you "morally complex" guys to come on and tell me I should feel sorry for the Visitors like I was supposed to feel sorry for the murderous Cylons in the BSG series.

Haha, haven't had the cahnce to see it yet. Guess I should really get on that soon.

Hulu has the first 4 episodes, with the 5th coming on soon. Better catch that before they rotate episode 1 off their site!

Have it on TiVo, but only watched the first 20 minutes so far.

Have you seen "The Plan" yet? Some of those cylons need your sympathy. Otherwise the cycle of genocide will continue. And weren't there visitors in the original show who didn't agree with what their leaders were doing? I really dont' want to rehash debates of the individual vs. the whole.

But, yes, I could use some good political commentary in my sci fi again.

I loved the Premier episode. Because this V lacks the surprise element of the original, I felt they made the right choice immediately introducing the true nature of the Vs. However, I hated episode 2. I felt it was incredibly heavyhanded and cheesy, and I almost stopped watching. Episode 3 and 4 definitely improved from episode 2, but I'm still now sure how much I like it.

I really liked it so far. I'm kinda pissed that I have to wait until march to keep watching it. I like that we know that the V's are not the good guys they claim to be, but its still a bit of a surprise when we find out exactly what they want with humans. I think that flash forward is still the better show though.