Please, only post trades here made through the forum, not trades with local players!
***Please note, these are only recommendations from other forum members and does not guarantee any trading results***
We have three levels of trader:
1-20 = Beginner
21-50 = Intermediate
51+ = Master
Once you reach Intermediate level you will have "***"
Once you have reached the Master Trader level, you will have "*****"
Once you have a negative feedback, you will have "!!!"
Bad traders will have "BAD TRADER WARNING!!!"
+1: Successful trade, both parties received the cards agreed upon. Everyone is happy.
0: The trade was not completed, either by financial constraints or cards getting lost in the mail. Cards have been returned. This is to allow for the things that happen that we can't control. If a trade is cancelled, but cards returned to the original owner, this is the right feedback to give.
-1: Most serious feedback. To give/receive a negative, the trade must not have been completed and the offending trader has not contacted the other trader in any way. This should be reserved for those traders who do nothing to attempt to fix the situation and should be used as a last resort.
If you receive a -1 and would like to contest it please PM one of the following moderator : Antigoth, GouHadou, Tagrineth or Archimedes. You can PM the current trade updater (Capain ren) but since he is no moderator, he can’t help much except guiding you and/or keeping track of the info you can provide him. Absolutely NO FLAMING!! Any grievances posted in the forum will be deleted immediately. NO NAME CALLING!
If you are contacted by a fellow trader about a problem trade, please respond promptly. If you are having computer problems please try to get to one and either PM me or post as such so your fellow traders will know what's up with you.
If a negative feedback is unchallenged, the trader will incur a BAD TRADER WARNING. This will only be rescinded once the trade has been resolved or the trader has otherwise satisfied the list maintainer that the issue is closed and the label unwarranted. Posts made to this list by anyone with a bad trader warning may be disregarded at the maintainer's discretion.
Anyone reaching a score of -5 on a Bad Trader Warning will have any post they make to this forum appended with the Bad Trader Warning. in addition, they may no longer post trade lists and any current lists will be closed.
1sanik +16
3 Centipedes +47 ***
Antigoth +13
ArchangelLegend +5
Archimedes +62 *****
Arreku/Kimano +31 ***
awakenz +18/-2 BAD TRADER WARNING!!!
B-Rad +4
b0al0va +20
BlackFireDragon +51 *****
Blades0fbl00d +4
Boot2dahead +9
Bowser Minion +29 ***
BowserMinion -3 BAD TRADER WARNING!!!
Cain Valentine +1
Cascade +3
castrostance +9
Cass +17
Captain Ren +163 *****
ceejaybee +12
Centipede +55 *****
Cetonis +46 ***
Chunkster +4
CrazyElf +7
Czar +22 ***
Da_Ghetto_Gamer +12
Dakkon +25 ***
Dams +11
Dark_Side_of_Life +8
darkzane +21/-3 BAD TRADER WARNING!!!
Davil +19/-1 !!!
deathskrye +1
deck dont matter +13/-1 !!!
DisneyVegaClone +10
Dokurorider +82 *****
DoubleD +6
Drewkasa +40 ***
Duckman +4
Dunjohn +31 ***
eddie_scout +46 ***
Eithinis +15
FenMiHuo +15
FFTARoxorz +5/-1 !!!
gcaban +2
GeneraReaction89 +4
godeslas +4
GouHadou +45 ***
Gravelord +18
Gummy Bear +3
Havoc +2
Hayamachop +3
Homme Chapeau/Peaceful Protestor Hatman +13
Icarus_Rising +5
INeedmorecoke +15/-1 !!!
jchang +9
JDub +24 ***
Jedahorus +22 ***
Jelly +62 *****
Jeremy +19
Just Doin' Work/OhSteven +7/-1 !!!
Ken_Masters +1
kilik850 +3
Kitties_Outcast +3
koreymfh +35 ***
Kor'rin +1
Lasombraknight +4
lshade +57 *****
Link +33 ***
Lovefist +8
mastermajora +1
mattkohls +95 *****
Maver1k +12
MegaGeese +22 ***
Melfice +11
Monkey D. Wolfwood +7
Musashi1054 +115 *****
Nevan +50 *nin nin* ***
NintendoMan +29 ***
njbrock22 +61 *****
Nfxon +54 *****
noobfighterftw +6
otakuV +1/-1 !!!
ooberspazz +53 *****
Papernaut +1
phoenix_rising83 +51/-4 BAD TRADER WARNING!!!
psyscape +3
ramiel +5
RenHero +73 *****
Riegod +1
riotmaker +14
RockStar +13
Runnerb3an +3
ScottGaines +86 *****
scubadude +127 *****
Sethran +2
ShadowDragon +102 *****
ShadowmanX +114 *****
Shady +5
Shaneth +207 *****
ShippuJinrai +4
Shiros +4
Sfiscus +6
Smazzurco +5
Sol Badguy +3
Solstice +1
spikeriley +19
ssjsonic +7
SuperAndroid17 +15
Tader Salad +19/-1* !!!
Target X +16
teccniek +3
teddywhompus +10/-1 !!!
Teric Aylor06GT +12/-2 BAD TRADER WARNING
TheBat +39 ***
theboogerman +27 ***
Tigerbear1985 +5/-4 BAD TRADER WARNING
token +1
TripsEX +14/-2* !!!
TwistedDreams +10
Vagabond Aeon +41 ***
VaporGecko +2
Venom29 +47 ***
Wilding +1
Wyked Chyld +16
Xenomic +139 *****
Yoko Charming Fox +4
"*" by Negatives- These negatives are being contested, and if the other party posts that all is well then they will be removed.
If I made any mistakes, let me know and I will fix them.