So, with interest in WH40K picking up locally, I've decided to capitalize on this by trying to see if anyone would be interested in the RT RPG. Since it seems, however, that no one wants the responsibilitty of GMing the game, I've taken the mantle myself. This will be my first foray into GMing ever, so I'm hoping I can make things work...
I've managed to get a basic plan done so far. Basically, I've made it so that people can go through and make their own characters first with one person choosing to the be Rogue Trader. Once that's done, I've alotted them a start of 25 PF and 60 SPs, to which I've stated that the RT is part of a powerful dynasty but he himself is somewhat new to the game. After everything is set up, I'd then have them go through the Forsaken Bounty adventures, then the Into the Maw adventure, and then the newer adventure in the upcoming GM kit before moving on to homemade stuff. Then we just see how things play out.
I already have the basic core of one homemade adventure planned out after just letting my fingers work automatically to see what comes up. It's some cliche-ridden, but hopefully adequate enough to be entertaining. Suggestions and advice on the adventure is appreciated.
- After the last adventure, once characters have rested/restocked/trained, they are approached for a new mission.
- The mission is to escort an individual from one location to another.
- The target is an extremely deranged man. He’s one card away from an empty deck, to put it lightly. He is fidgety and paranoid in the most extreme sense. He speaks erratically and almost non-coherently most of the time. He carries nothing on him save the garments on his person, and for good reason.
- Traveling in their ship to their destination (after a possible couple of random events), the party finds itself under attack by three Wolf Pack Raiders, one of which (the lead ship) hangs back at the start. After one of the two attacking ships is knocked out, the lead ship attempts to join the fray. The party will probably knock out the second ship before the lead ship starts shooting.
- Once the first two enemy ships are finished, the lead ship surrenders. The captain explains that they were simply hired to attempt to kidnap the party’s mentally deranged cargo for no reason other than they were hired to. He has no idea who or why, but he does know where he was to be taken if they were successful. He barters with the party to provide this information provided they let his ship go.
- The party now has the choice in either proceeding with the original mission and deliver the man to his destination, or they may proceed to the rendezvous point to confront who wanted the man captured.
- If the party proceeds with the mission, they will arrive and will attempt to deliver him when they are attacked by people dressed as Gangers (but will be equipped with much higher quality equipment then Gangers usually wield), who will attempt to kill both the party members and the deranged man (he will make it REALLY difficult for them to do it, though). Once the Gangers are stopped, the party members will find a dataslate amongst the dead detailing the mission to stop the delivery and kill the man and the delivery group, bearing an Inquisitorial seal. The delivery is completed, but now they are obligated to confront the one seeking the captured or death of the man that put their lives at risk.
- If they complete the above, or just decide to go straight to the raider’s rendezvous point (much to the very vocalized “chagrin” of the man), they will arrive to a Hive world and meet the one behind the whole mess, an Inquisitor.
- The climax is that the deranged man wasn’t like this until just recently. He came across some information regarding the Inquisitor, who is considered Radical, that is quite damning, and he fears for his life, knowing what lengths Radicals will go to to make sure their work doesn’t see the light of day. What that information is, however, the man won’t say (and neither will the Inquisitor, obviously). The Inquisitor hired the Raiders under the table to kidnap the man but purposely gave little information to make sure he didn’t expose himself too much. The “Gangers” from earlier (if the party faced them) were actually disguised, loyal acolytes of his.
- The Inquisitor wants the man either delivered to him or killed, either way works for him. If the party still has him, they may comply with the Inquisitor’s request (although they’ll need to come up with some REALLY convincing explanations for why he wasn’t delivered as requested). If they do not want to hand him over, or if they already delivered him, then the Inquisitor will sick his pet Daemonhost on the group as the campaign’s Boss fight. It will be created following the rules as per the Dark Heresy book, but will be toned down a bit to make sure it does not overwhelm the party. Once the battle is over, the campaign ends.