Racial special abilities

By Phantomdoodler, in WFRP Rules Questions

Having seen the designers diary, I was first under the impression that each race had 2 special abilities (Dwarf: children of Grungni and Grudge), but a closer look at the sample Dwarven character revealed that he also had Night Vision and Sturdy. Does anyone know all special abilities for each of the playable races (with what they do)?

Each race has several racial abilites. Some, though, are only for character creation. For example, most of the High Elf racial abilites are applied at PC creation, giving additional skills like Education.

Does a PC get ALL of these Racial Abilities, or do you have to pick and choose?

You get all of the abilities.

So what racial abilities do they get then?

Do Dwarfs get the following special abilities? :

  • horrible scottish accent
  • fear and/or dislike of horses
  • alcoholic
  • catchphrase yelling (eg.: "Heeere cooomes da DWARF!")

They might as well because all of my players give their dwarf PCs those abilities REGARDLESS.


The "Special abilities" side cololumn for each race shows about 7 things regarding character creation and each has one DURING-GAME ability. I don't recall exactly what they are right now, but they're not something you'd need an extra "card" for or anything.

Elf/dwarf: see in the dark, reduces black dice when fighting in darkness

Human: ...


Emirikol said:

Elf/dwarf: see in the dark, reduces black dice when fighting in darkness

Human: ...


Humanity is #1 dawgs! gran_risa.gif

At least in the Tolkien setting, the trade off was that Elves were pretty much leaving the world, and dwarfs were too selfish and stubborn to get involved with anything, so they stayed locked up in their mountains, sulking.

I honestly don't understand how humanity could have possibly survived as long as it did in the Warhammer setting, what with three kinds of elves (all of whom despise humanity at varying degrees), dwarfs, greenskins, goddamn STOATS and ZOATS etc...

I hate zoats.

Humans have more build points to creat characters and have an ability to add 2 boon dice to one roll they make per session...

Emirikol said:

The "Special abilities" side cololumn for each race shows about 7 things regarding character creation and each has one DURING-GAME ability. I don't recall exactly what they are right now, but they're not something you'd need an extra "card" for or anything.

Elf/dwarf: see in the dark, reduces black dice when fighting in darkness

Human: ...


Actually, this is incorrect.

- Humans have 3 abilities. One for creation (25 points to spend), One for Advancement (advancing careers costs 1 less advancement point), and One during game (gain [WW] on a single roll once per session).

- Dwarfs have 4 abilities. One for creation (train one from a list of skills), and three during game (Grudge, Sturdy, Night Vision)

- High Elves have 4 abilities. Three during creation (Choose a free focus talent, train Education, train one from a list of skills), One during game (Night Vision).

- Wood Elves have 4 abilities. One for creation (train one from a list of skills), three during game (Forest Walk, Nature Bond, Night Vision).