Greenskins - Troll Vomit

By PaleKing, in Warhammer Invasion Rules Questions


Have I got this card right? It is a tactic with Action: Destroy all units in play. Is this all units from both sides? This seems incredibly powerful for a 4pt card.


PaleKing said:


Have I got this card right? It is a tactic with Action: Destroy all units in play. Is this all units from both sides? This seems incredibly powerful for a 4pt card.


Yes, you have it right! It destroys ALL units in play on both/all sides.

Its a low cost simply due to it being a global wipe. You want to play it when you have a disadvantage in units as well as units in hand (=

Troll Vomit is very nice if you're getting much of your resources and card draws from Support cards while opponent is getting them from Units.

As I said in some post, only thing keeping this from being overpowered is that it's an orc card :)

With orc deck you want to field more units than your opponents so this goes against it pretty much, unless you get to use this in turn 2-3 or something if you don't have any units yet and the other guy has. Not very useful in pure orc deck imo.