Simple mechanics question.

By PaleKing, in Warhammer Invasion Rules Questions


I'm just trying to get my head around the basics of this game and I wondered if I had got Tactics cards right. Am I right in the following - a tactic card is never played out onto the table, it is always played and discarded. The resource cost is paid as usual therefore if resources are only available in your own turn, you can only play tactics in your own turn (unless the cost is zero).

Cheers for any clarification.

Almost right... Resources can be saved until the beginning of your next turn - any resources you don't spend during your turn are available for use during your opponent's turn. Otherwise, dead on.

Good stuff, thanks for the help.

The confusion comes, most likely, from that rule covering playing Units and supports. Unless they have a card text that gives them a special ability to do otherwise, they can only be played during your own Capitol Phase and the is the time when you will usually be using resources. That is not the only time you can use resources though.

was there every a ruling on whether a unit or support or development can be played as part of an action.. for example, to play a free unit to give you loyalty to afford a tactic, or play a deployment to get extra resources if you played resourcefullness in order to afford a tactic to add to the stack.

This is all assuming, of course, that it is your capital phase.

I'm missing the context. Playing of all cards is an action and can only be played in player action windows. If you are talking about playing supports, units, and developments as responses in an action chain, we don't have an answer and the rules are a little mixed. At the section about the Capitol phase it clearly says a player is considered to be taking an action when doing these things, but the section about Actions and playing action in response refers specifically to tactic affects and the abilities of units and supports and defines it in a way that playing these cards does not meet. Also, considered to be taking an action and using a card with a bold action trigger are not the same thing.

I'd say no, but I'd also recommend sending it to Nate to be included in the FAQ.

that sounds right to me.