WOW 2 Campaign Games

By aarondpjames, in Wings of War

aarondpjames said:

Either way, another bad day for the Luftwaffer!!!

Looks to me like History is playing out as it should -- which is more than could be said for a WW2-*Tank*-combat game....

"What's the most effective defense against a German Army?"

"Six feet of salt water." > :)

(I need to train up the SO a bit more; then I can start running my "alternate history" _WoW2_ events -- where AH dies during the Beer Hall Putsch, and it's Uncle Joe who starts WW2.... > :) )

Mate, I wish i could get my "SO" involved with WOW, we might at least have something decent to talk about!! corazon.gif

As for alternitive history, maybe i should of been in charge of the Luftwaffer? The Battle of Britian would not of happened as all of my pilots would of been dead or in POW camps and the whole war would of been over by summer 1940.

We would of had to learn about something else at school during history lessons!! partido_risa.gif

First: Forgive the nitpickiness, but it's "[would|could|should]*'ve*", not "[would|could|should] of". (Contraction-form of "[n] have".)

OK, now on to the regular silliness:

aarondpjames said:

Mate, I wish i could get my "SO" involved with WOW, we might at least have something decent to talk about!!

I'm amazed mine picked it up at all -- she's so non-confrontational, she makes Deepak Chopra look like Oddjob.... :)

aarondpjames said:

As for alternitive history, maybe i should of been in charge of the Luftwaffer? The Battle of Britian would not of happened as all of my pilots would of been dead or in POW camps and the whole war would of been over by summer 1940.

We would of had to learn about something else at school during history lessons!!

I doubt you could possibly have screwed up any worse than a morphine-addicted borderline-crossdresser, esp. considering who you'd have for a Boss. :)

csadn said:

I doubt you could possibly have screwed up any worse than a morphine-addicted borderline-crossdresser, esp. considering who you'd have for a Boss. :)

Yeah, fair one. My Boss is pretty good, i could'nt imagine what it must of been like to work for Adolf on a bad day?? You'd be playing rock, paper, sissiors for who is going to give him the bad news!! And if you were lucky, he might only send you off the the Russian front!!

aarondpjames , thanks for showing your stands for the bombers and such. I will show it to the guys and see what we can come up with. A problem that I see is that the group that I play with, except one guy, is not interested in the WW1 game so we don't have any of the pegs and I wish they sold them seperate somewhere so the group I play with could get them. We are looking for something to use in place of this and would like any ideas that people have used. BTW, if I live in England I would love to game with you guys over some suds (beer). Thanks again aarondpjames and I hope your luck changes in your games as it looks like you need some. KILL THOSE ACES!!!!! gui%C3%B1o.gif

aarondpjames said:


Have a look at this site,

If i've done it right, the above link should show you the flying stands and the below one should show you some of the altertude pegs that they do.

I've not used them myself, but as far as the pictures go, they look ok.

Thanks, I will be getting some of the sweet stuff from this site. We are talking about ideas for clouds and some houserules for the use of them such as chasing someone through them. I love your fire and smoke from your planes what is that? Cotton balls painted or what? We are using pipe cleaner wire but I think yours look 100 times better looking. BTW how do you transport that smoke? Thanks Shep.

what are you using for your fire and smoke effects?

Sorry for not getting back to you sooner Kilowolf.

The Smoke effects are a childs butterfly hair clip with a metal drilled into it and some "Flames of War" cotton wool flames/smoke glued over the top. If this makes no sence to you, just let me know and i'll do some photos of who to make one.

I think i kind of understand what your saying. If it wouldnt be too much trouble i would love to see some pics on creating them tho! yours look really awesome and i would love to try and do something similar for my Wow games.

aarondpjames , it would be cool if you could do a tutorial. If you can show how you made it and what products you used that would be great. cool.gif Are you still doing your Campaign Games as I haven't seen anything new here in a while. Hope you didn't give up because of your luck or your friends good luck. Wondered if you were downing more planes in your Battle of Britain. Thanks SHEP.

Kilowolf & Shep

No worrys guys, i'll get a step by step tutorial up on the site soon, but this time with loads of photos. gui%C3%B1o.gif

I've not sacked the campaign games, even though i keep getting my arse kicked. enfadado.gif

I've got a couple more battles to stick up on this thread, and some of the games even turned out in my favour, i'm just lacking the time at the moment. bostezo.gif

I'll try and get the tread updated in the next couple of days.

Thank you much aarondpjames!

Realy sorry guys, but for some reason i can attach any photos? does any one else have the same problem uploading photos or know if we are limited to a certan amount per login?

Sorry i have no idea. If you are part of the yahoo wings of war group you can upload them there, but if not dont worry about it. I really appreciate the info you have given thus far!

Just got into this game at Little Wars Wargaming Convention this weekend. Planning a campaign for our wargaming club - Mid-America Wargamers. Could you please email me a copy of your campaign rules to [email protected].


Tom Konczal


I've sent the Campaign rules and aircraft stats to your e-mail address, let me know how you get on gran_risa.gif

MISSION 14 (Bomber Rescue)

It was my mates turn to have a go at the Bomber Resuce mission. Nothing unusual here, this is one of the better missions for me to claw some vital points back....hopefully!!


I started my outside 109's at top altertude of 4 pegs and the middle 109 at 3 pegs. This way, the closer I get, the more likely the bomber is going to dive to avoid the attack, and I'll have some one waiting for him!!! Or at least thats the plan! gui%C3%B1o.gif


True to form, I got closer and my mate droped a far so good! I put a burst in to the bomber with the waiting middle 109, and the bomber tail gunner promptly blew the attacking 109 out of the sky!! Bloody tipical!!! enfadado.gif


My remaining 109's closed the gap and got some close range shots into the bomber. I must of done some damage as it caught fire!!! gran_risa.gif All i have to do now is finish it off and get home before the his calvery arrive!!


The next turn was a bit of a shocker! In the same turn my left hand 109 distroyed the bomber whilst at the same time the rear gunner took out another 109! sorpresa.gif

The good news is i won the mission!!! gran_risa.gif

The bad news is I still have to avoid the fast approaching Hurricanes and Spit!! preocupado.gif


I decided to go for a Split-S to drop a level and head for home. I knew i would still end up having to take some shots off the Hurricane, but at least it would be at long range. But then something unexpected happened........

DSC00219.jpg mate did a Split-S as well, sending two of his planes the wrong way! Fantastic, this pretty much put both of them out of the action for the rest of the game as i was heading for home at full speed! All I've got to do now is avoid that flanking Huricane.


With only one Hurricane left to worry about, you'd think I'd be able to dodge it......


It seamed no matter which way i turned, the damm Hurricane was blasting chunks out of my tail. Eventualy, my final 109 was shot down, but the pilot did manage to escape, unlike the other two, that died in there cockpits.

The good news is that i may of had all three of my aircraft shot down, but my mate only gets creddeted for the final kill with his Hurricane, as the bombers kills dont count. Still, I'm glad the bomber went down, that tail gunner was getting a bit to good for my likeing!!

Someone get on the phone to Luftwaffe Headquarters, I'm gonna nead a couple new pilots and planes!!! partido_risa.gif

Special thanks go out to Eric the Moderator who sorted out my problem with uploading pictures to the threads. Cheers mate, my epic adventure can continue again........providing Herman Göring can keep up with my demand for new pilots!!

MISSION 15 (Bomber Rescue)

I rolled another bomber rescue , just for a change!! With the HE 111 having less hit points than the Lancaster, this can be a really hard mission to defend against. I'm going to have to do a lot of diving to keep me away from the enemy.


Its not long before the Brits are all over me. But I'm still droping height to try and get away.



Oh Bugger, that fires going to hurt my chances of escaping.


At last, the cavalry arrive.........but is it to late? I dived the bomber to altertude 2 just in time for the 109's to directly target the Brits at altertude 3. Right about now, the Brits are torn between shooting at the bomber which is a level below or returning fire on the 109's at the same altertude.


The Spit and Hurricanes are still hell bend on taking out the bomber, just as my 109's Split-S behind them and drop to the same level as the HE 111 and the Spitfire. You can just about see the Spitfires base to the right hand side of the HE 111. Unfortuantly its not been blown up, there just was'nt enough space to fit it in.

I could of Immelmann'd behind the Brits and of been hitting the Hurricanes at close range, but right now the Spit at the same altertude as my bomber is a bigger threat, hence why I Split-S'd to get 2 x 109's to hit him at close range.


The Hurricanes Split-S to stop getting shot at by my 109's, but they over shoot the target and are going to be out of the game for a turn or two. All i have to do is take out the Spit.


To late, the fire finished me off. Well at lest my mate wont get the kill for it!!! Still, he's won the mission, now its time to extract some revenge!!!!


A bit more flying around and the Spits making a break for its table edge and home, while I'm banging some rounds down onto the Hurricanes.


While my to 109's at the top of the picture head off to intersept the Spit, the two Hurricanes have to dive and evade each other, while my third 109 just hangs back and keeps his finger on the trigger.


My 109 takes one of the Hurricanes out, and lines himself up for another......rather brave considering how dangerious they can be! The engine damaged spit is heading for home, while my two 109's at the top of the picture are waiting to give it a little homecomming reception!!!


The Spit manages to take the fire from the 109's and still head for home, while the hurricane go's head to head with my heavely damaged 109 and shoots him down. Spit makes it home OK, and the left flanking 109 with the british roundal token slips in behind the Hurricane and takes it out.

I may have lost the Mission, but at lease i managed to shoot down the two Hurricanes, proving they are not invunrable!!

Later, we rolled to see what happened to the pilots. One of the Hurricane pilots became a double Ace, so he gets a second skill and is upgraded to the Spitfire mark 5. The double ace pilot was wounded and is going to miss the next two games and the other hurricane pilot will be missing the next game as he is still making his way back to Britian from enemy terrotory.

My pilot that was shot down, for once made it back home safe and sound. So i may of lost the mission, but the next mission my mate wont have any of his aces to play as they will both be out of action.

Mission 16 (Recon)

It was my mates turn for the mission, and just for a change he rolled a Recon. So this means, not only does he not have his two aces available, and he has to fly 2 rookies insted, but his recon plane is the unarmed Mosqueto. This should be a walk in the park for me!!


Just as were getting close to each other, my mate pulls a strange move out of the bag?


Followed by an even stranger one...


It looks like he was going to give me a Broadside!!


Oh well, into the mixer we go! Unfortuantly, there was a couple of collisions, must be all them rookie pilots I've got!!


Out the other side unscaved, unfortuantly, i've still got to turn around and chase the enemy before they can complete there mission.


To avoid any more mid air collisions with my self, i had to send the team off in seperate directions. Unfortuantly this gave the Brits time to get on with there mission with out the threat of getting shot down.


The first pass over the target and I'm still giving chase.


Just as the Brits are coming back for a second pass, my aircraft are coming in one at a time.


Now you see it.....


Now you dont!!! One down, 2 to go!


Ouch, that was'nt suspoded to happen


Looping back onto the Mosqueto


The Mosqueto has finished its mission and is bugging out, even though i've put loads of rounds it to it.


Yet another mid air collision by my team..... when will i learn!!


Picking my targets


The Spitfire turns in and shoots at my leading 109, setting it on fire. Foutunatly my smoking 109 finished off the Spitfire. Alas the Mosqueto manages to make it off the table, reguardless of how many shots it has had on it, and my mate wins the mission. Where as for me, my leading 109 thats on fire, sucoms to the damage and crashes.


Afterwards, just to prove he was'nt cheating, my mate showed me what damage the Mosqueto had taken........Bloody tipical!!! partido_risa.gif I did'nt even know there were that may Zero's in the deck!!

As for me, my 109 that that crashed on fire, mangaged to kill the pilot as well. I seem to be managing about one dead pilot per game at the moment, as for my mate, all his are fine, again!!!!!

So much for the "Walk inthe park" game, i could'nt even take out two rookies and an unarmed plane. God knows what I'm going to be like in the next game when he gets one of his aces back????

I'm thinking the bomber-rescue scenario needs a rethink, given the sickening inevitability with which the bombers die....

And it's "[[w|c|sh]ould've", not "[w|c|sh]ould of". (Peeve, Pet. 1 ea. :) )

Very well done...congratulations on that set up!

Mission 17 (Bomber Escort)

With a couple of weeks break from gaming due to work (Damm my job!!) lengua.gif I felt quite confident at halting my mates steadly increasing lead....I just hoped my pilots had been practicing in the mean time? gran_risa.gif


I thought I'd go for a new tactic with this mission. The plan is to send the fighters up the left hand side of the bomber and engage the enemy fighters, drawing the firepower from the bomber. happy.gif


A bad photo unfortunately, but you will notice that my mate is only fielding one of his Ace's in the hurricane, which plays in my least I hope is does anyway!! gran_risa.gif


Putting the plan into action. The fighters fly forward to engage the enemy and the bombers flys off for the target.


Not quite what i planned. One 109 enagages the enemy and get a lot of damage tokens for its troubles.........ouch! serio.gif


Unfortunately the lead Spit got a good shot on the bomber and started it smoking.


The No 2 spit loops around and finishs off the right hand 109. I know the 109's were there to draw the enemys fire, but so far the bombers smoking, getting battered by the hurricane at close range and I've just lost a 109. Not quite what I had planned!! preocupado.gif


A bit more looping and I've managed to leave the spits behind and drop my first load of bombs. However the hurricane at close range is starting to eat away my bombers hit points, at an alarming rate!! Unfortunately the bombs didn't destroy the target, so I've got to make a choice of whether I circle around and re-bomb the current target, or go for the second target.


I decide to go for the circle around and bomb the same target option, not that it makes much differance with all of the enemy fighters behind me and closing fast. Not sure why i picked this option as I dont think I've ever managed to sucessfully circle around and re-bombed the same target without getting shot down, but in desperate times and all that....


Starting to circle and the enemy are all over me like "A tramp on a hot tray of chips" (or for the Americans, "A hobo on a hot portion of fries"). Although the Hurricane is turning my tail fin into swiss cheese, the two spits managed to collide with each other, much to my amusement and get a "C" token each for there trouble, Ha ha ha


The spits collide again and the hurricane is still firing into my tail.....ouch!


Unfortunately the Hurricane downed the bomber, my mate won the mission, and my 109 is still off doing its own thing? Maybe next time I should just drop all the bombs on the first target and go for a "Draw", as neither off us are managing to do to well at the bombers escort missions. sad.gif


Right now I'm thinking I may be in trouble? Time to make a sharp exit off my side of the playing table, however, there is still the problem off running the gauntlet through the enemy fighters?


So far so good....


Still looking good....that was until the bloody hurricane looped and shot my last 109 down! enfadado.gif

Not only had I lost the mission, but I hadn't even shot one of my mates fighters down. Not a good day out for the Luftwaffer, but at least all my pilots managed to survive to fly again another day, which make's a pleasent change!

aarondpjames said:

Unfortunately the Hurricane downed the bomber, my mate won the mission, and my 109 is still off doing its own thing? Maybe next time I should just drop all the bombs on the first target and go for a "Draw", as neither off us are managing to do to well at the bombers escort missions.

Actually, this would suggest the conditions for the BE missions are to difficult to accomplish, and need to be adjusted.

Evening all!

Hi Aaron. I've just finished reading all the posts in this thread and I'd like to congratulate you on your stunning models!

I have a few questions for you and the others in this thread if you don't mind?


The He111 - is that a kit or Jap prebuilt (F-toys, Bandai, etc)?

Same question about the Lanc

And again for the Hurricanes

The Spits appear to be kits, is that correct?

Could I trouble you to email me your tournament rules?


Has anyone tried the Litko Flight Stands? I'm curious how you adjust altitude if (as the instructions appear to state), the rod is a permanent fixture in the base?

Thanks fellas!
