Some Questions from a Newb

By Gath3, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Thanks in advance for helping some newer players out! Here are my questions from a game played recently:

1) can stunned heroes use fatigue? For example, a stunned hero wanted to use 3 fatigue to move and make one attack. Can they do this? The way I read the rules was the player can either move or attack, but I wasn't sure how fatigue factors in.

2) If a player has a weapon with blast (not an option to blast with surges), does the player "have" to use blast? Can it just target one enemy instead? Kinda like how the hell hounds can either use the breath template or attack a single enemy. For the cards with the surge blasts, that is obviously a choice to use or not.

3) On Vanilla Descent JITD map 4, there are a lot of rubble obstacles automatically placed on the map. I have to use almost all of the single rubble pieces to meet the quest map needs, leaving only one single piece available. As OL, does this mean I can only use one crushing block during the entire game (since the pieces are all used to meet the starting map requirements)?

Gath said:

Thanks in advance for helping some newer players out! Here are my questions from a game played recently:

1) can stunned heroes use fatigue? For example, a stunned hero wanted to use 3 fatigue to move and make one attack. Can they do this? The way I read the rules was the player can either move or attack, but I wasn't sure how fatigue factors in.

2) If a player has a weapon with blast (not an option to blast with surges), does the player "have" to use blast? Can it just target one enemy instead? Kinda like how the hell hounds can either use the breath template or attack a single enemy. For the cards with the surge blasts, that is obviously a choice to use or not.

3) On Vanilla Descent JITD map 4, there are a lot of rubble obstacles automatically placed on the map. I have to use almost all of the single rubble pieces to meet the quest map needs, leaving only one single piece available. As OL, does this mean I can only use one crushing block during the entire game (since the pieces are all used to meet the starting map requirements)?

1) Yes, you can still use fatigue when stunned.

2) It used to be mandatory, but is was changed in the most recent FAQ. Blast, Bolt and Breath are all optional now. If you don't use it, it become an attack of its normal type. For example, a Dragon who chooses not to use Breath just makes a normal ranged attack.

3) Honestly not sure. I know for rubble tokens that are the result of traps you can remove them and reuse them like you would do with monster, but I'm not sure if that applies to map elements.

Big Remy said:

2) It used to be mandatory, but is was changed in the most recent FAQ. Blast, Bolt and Breath are all optional now. If you don't use it, it become an attack of its normal type. For example, a Dragon who chooses not to use Breath just makes a normal ranged attack.

Just Blast and Breath. Not Bolt. There hasn't been a widely-publicized scare-story where a monster with Bolt was disabled due to its inability to make regular attacks (yet), so that still works as originally written (for now).

Big Remy said:

3) Honestly not sure. I know for rubble tokens that are the result of traps you can remove them and reuse them like you would do with monster, but I'm not sure if that applies to map elements.

While the FAQ ruling in question does refer to "trap tokens," I doubt they expect you to keep track of which rubble obstacles are placed by traps and which are not, and I would be shocked if they expected you to count up all the rubble obstacles in future areas to figure out how many you can use right now without running out some time in the future. And there's already a card that can remove pre-placed rubble obstacles, so if that breaks the game, the game is broken. So I'd allow you to remove any one-space rubble obstacle if you run out.

Speaking of Bolt, when does that come into play? Is it just for specific quest? I've looked through the monsters and never seen one with the ability.

Sadly, none of monster actually have the ability. The only time it ever comes into play is in one of the quests, and then there is one (maybe two) trap cards that use it.

Which is a shame, since Bolt is really cool. Right now the only thing I ever use it for is as a LOS ruler.