Commanded by Surgeon General Sulamein Banks under charter from the Adeptus' Ministorum and Munitorum, the Mercy follows the vagaries of war, and occassionaly plague or other natural disaster as part of the Callixian IV Deep Space Support Echelon (Auxiliary [CIVDSSE]). A retrofitted Jericho-Class Pilgrim vessel, the Angle entered service following an outbreak of the Fydae Strain at Sutters Rock in 724.M41. Hastily converted from the Angle of Redemption, a pilgrim vessel plying the Drusus Marches. It arrives at the mining outpost 4 years too late as part of the relief column sent to investigate and purge the colony.
The Angle was subsequently purchased by the wealthy Banks clan of Chirugeons using loans provided by the Munitorium. It was extensively overhauled to mounting costs and attached to the newly formed Calixian IV Deep Space Support Echelon as part of the Clixis Sectors contribution to the Margin Crusade. Present in the crusade from the outset in 784.M41.
The vessel recently paid off her debts after Patrice Banks, Sulamein's cousin hit upon the idea of 'retasking' badly injured veterans as combat servitors following a trip to Sigma Pavonis to take on supplies. This proved timely as the vessel was ambushed by corsairs in the Vincies Corridor whilst reyrning to the Margin Expanse, where the servitors proved instrumental in aiding the Angle's escape. The Angle later returned with a task force under Commander Anton Guir drawn from the CIVDSSE(Aux)'s 2nd Destroyer Squadron and recovered several strange armaments the raiders had been using from their vessels wreckage.
Ever since, the Angle has had a dire reputation, picking up its moniker the 'Mercy Killer', as many of those entering its cavernous Medicae Decks are only seen again as a disturbing amalgam of leash and metal. It is perhaps unsurprising that death cults have sprung up below decks as many rating mix the religious overtones of the vessel with its charnal horrors. Because of this, many superstitious Guardsmen commit suicide upon learning of their transfer to the holds despite the excellent medical facilities on board even as most make speedy recoveries. Few survive long term care.
The Angle (together with the rest of the Support Echelon) have recently returned to the Calixis Sector per Governor Marius Hax's conditions on supporting the Crusade as Margin Crusade veterans are returned to the Sector Guard. She is currently undergoing her bicentennial service as the newly amalgamated V Support Echelon (an even more ramshackle organisation) returns to the Crusade with fresh conscripts. The future for the Angle (and even the IV Support Echelon) is uncertain...
Dimensions: 2.25 km long, 0.3 km abeam approx.
Mass: 9 Megatonnes approx.
Crew: 184'000 crew, approx.
Accel: 1.1 gravities max acceleration.
Speed: 2 Manoeuvrability: -12 Power: 35 Power Used: 35
Detection: +5 Hull Integrity: 56 Space: 45 Space Used: 45
Armour: 13 Turret Rating: 1 Morale: 104
Port Armament: Shard Cannon Battery Starboard Armament: Shard Cannon Battery
Strelov 1 Warp Engine Gellar Field Single Void Shield Array Mark - 100 Auger Array
Jovian Pattern Class 1 Drive Barracks Pressed Crew Quarters Vitae Pattern Life Sustainer
Crew Reclamation Facility Murder - Servitors Extended Supply Vaults Interior Bulkheads
Main Cargo Hold Combat Bridge Armour Plating Temple - Shrine to the God Emperor
Machine Spirit Oddities: Resolute Past Histories: Death Cult