yesterday we had our demo game and it was just amazing. We got into it really quick, and we had a lot of fun. But there were somethings we are not sure about. Our Troll-Slayer decided that we were brash young fools ( indeed we are ;-) ), so we picked this as the group option ( never disagree with a dwarf bearing 2 axes ).
We found out that if we fill our fortune pool until the number of characters is reached, the pool is divided among all players. We played with four players, wich was no problem regarding the cards, we just ran out of some tokens. So as soon as the pool reached four, every player gained one fortune point from the pool. Now the special ability for the brash young fools says that every time the fortune pool is empty, one point of fortune is restored immediately. We just started to spend fortune points, filled up the pool, every player got one and another point was refilled.
Please tell us if we made a mistake, because the group option feels pretty overpowered at this moment.
I apologize if my english is not as fluent, but i come frome Germany, were real people are named Karl Franz, Gustav or Konrad ;-)
Greetings from Nürnberg, near Altdorf (no joke, a small town nearby is called Altdorf, i have to smile every time i am driving on the highway near this town *g*)