What cards would you suggest me to spend treachery on during the JitD quests? I have WoD, AoD and ToI expansions
Is it wise to spend treachery on dark glyphs or dark relics?
What cards would you suggest me to spend treachery on during the JitD quests? I have WoD, AoD and ToI expansions
Is it wise to spend treachery on dark glyphs or dark relics?
Relics are loads of fun and full of character. Dark Glyphs can work well as well, but can also slow up your spawn oppertunities, so use wiseley.
Spawn cards such as Lone Troll and Bane Spider Nest are just brutal.
Traps to put Scything Blades and Dart Fields on the board are a lot of fun, especially given the pop-cultural significence of the Dart Field and Rolling Boulder...
huuu if you want to win I would get
Crushing Blow
If you want to surely win, swap all glyphs for dark ones. They are jut totally imbalanced, I hate them.
Telakbir said:
If you want to surely win, swap all glyphs for dark ones. They are jut totally imbalanced, I hate them.
specifically the green ones. They dont allow you to return to town AND only give one conquest.
hee hee hee
Purple: 'Animate Weapons' is brilliant fun (it's like Dark Charm but affects all Heroes).
Green: 'Ambush' is a great card (interrupt the Heroes' turn & activate 3 monsters).
Red: 'Legions of the Dead' is great value (4 skeletons + 2 master skeletons).