Burying the Grudge - How?

By blkdymnd, in Warhammer Invasion Rules Questions

Ok, so how is Burying the Grudge for the Dwarves used?

"Action: Gain 1 resource for each unit that entered a discard pile this turn."

Makes no sense. If I use it on my opponents turn, then I lose those resources when my turn starts. But I can't use it during my turn, because the only real use would be during the battlefield phase and at that point it's too late to use the resources I have now aquired. So, what good is this card?

I have no freaking idea :D

I guess in multiplayer match with 3+ players it might be some use? I just ditched that card for now.

Even in multiplayer it would be horribly limited - best you could do would be to play it at the end of one opponent's turn to let you power some tactics until your turn came around again... But barely worth a card slot even in that case, and with the base game being technically a duel, I can't imagine a point to including this in the core set either.


It's definitely a "combo" card. Probably will be better if we see Dwarves with more direct-damage or self-sacrificial abilities.

A few thoughts:

Grudge Thrower + Zhufbar Engineers: You pay a resource, kill the Engineers for it, trigger the Forced on the Engineers to kill a enemy unit, and then Bury to get two resources. If you've got Dwarf Rangers out, you might be able to plink a weenie when the Engineers die to kill a third card for a extra resource.

I'm not sure if discarded units count towards it, but it might work with Infiltrate! as well.

EDIT: Oh, duh. Forgot the big one. Surprise your opponent by running a Judgement of Verena in your Dwarf deck. Boom, possibly a decent number of units dead, and you're able to possibly get back the resources you spent on it.

Remember there are cards in the Core Set that seem nominally useful in the race/deck they are included. Eric and Nate do little by accident. Expect those cards to have valid uses as the Battle Packs start rolling out. I also wouldn't putit past them to include cards that work best in alliance decks. It is definitely a combo card but we know pay resource effects are pretty powerful and to be able to grab a few extra resources to play the right card at the right time can make or break a game...

And to prove the point of this couple this with Stand Your Ground andPMAverws mentioned already.

It's obviously a combo card.

Imagine some weird interaction between:

- Dwarf Ranger

- Grudge Thrower

- Buying the Grudge

It's a "dumb" example, but it gives the idea, especially with Stand your ground coming...

Consider it even as a powerful card after a Troll Vomit (in defense) or after Judgement of Verena, that can virtually become a "free" reset (in an Alliance deck).

We'll hear something about this card... ;)

Yeah well, that's why I said I ditched it for now :) . Atm it's usefulness is quite limited.

Cool. Thanks all. Glad I wasn't missing anything obvious.

Makes Thyrus Gorman a bit better? :P

DB_Cooper said:

Consider it even as a powerful card after a Troll Vomit (in defense) or after Judgement of Verena, that can virtually become a "free" reset (in an Alliance deck).

Doesn't do any good with Troll Vomit. Vomit can only be played during the owner's turn, so any resources you get would vanish before you could do anything (much) with them but fuel a tactic or two.

It might combo well with Judgement of Verena, but it's probably going to be awfully expensive - 5-6 resources, more than likely... If you've got that much available, why not just whatever units you have sitting in your hand?

The timing window on this is so tight you can only use it reliably right at the end of the battle phase. That lack of reliability is going need to be offset by a pretty impressive benefit to make it worth including in a deck.

Yes, I realized the Troll Vomit stuff after writing, sorry...I was typing fast, without thinkin'...My bad.

Anyway, I see a lot of potential as a combo card. In the future.

You can also use the resources to play a new card (Skavenblight Battle Pack) out of your turn. happy.gif

OOps... forgot to mention the name... it's the halberdiers.

Theoretically you CAN, but the timing doesn't make it very likely or useful.

Because you have to use it after the units have entered the discard pile, the most likely time you're going to get anything effective from it will be at the end of your battlefield phase. Can you? Sure. But if you do you're giving up the Halberdier's main advantage - surprise.

Actually, in such a scenario I play them during my opponent's battlefield phase when he thinks I have no defenders. Even though I'm not particularly fond of Burying the Grudge, it does work with Troll Vomit. Even better if you happen to have 2 halberdiers in hand!

The Halberdiers work fine in your opponent's battlefield phase - but Burying the Grudge doesn't help it. Barring something like Troll Vomit, by the time things are dead the battle is over, and even if you Bury/Halberdiers, they don't help any more than just playing them next turn would have.

Yes, it does technically work with Troll Vomit, but your chances of using the resources for anything productive are pretty low. I don't see the card being worth a slot when the combo is Burying the Grudge + Halberdiers + an opponent's Troll Vomit.

A great use for this card is to use all your resources to play units to various zones followed by a blitz on the opponents battlefield or other zone causing him to take the damage or defend. If he defends he might lose a unit or two to the discard pile, you might lose a unit or two as well as the blows are traded. This would give you 3 or 4 resources to play tactics during your opponents turn as he tries to rebuild what you broke. Just a quick thought...I have done this many times before.