Tough Fights

By Madmacabre, in Rogue Trader Rules Questions

Hello all...

I just want to clarify one issue: How tough ennemies are...and therefore how long do fight last.

Let me refer to p.375 (Battle Servitor Profile). If I understand correctly, Battle Servitors have a total protection of 14 (TB 8 + Machine 6). Considering that weapons do between 1d10 and 1d10+4 (average), how are our PC suppposed to stop those war machines? Even considering the limited amount of penetration weapon have, it will takefor ever for a party to drop one of those,

Am I missing something?

Don't forget the important penetration value of different kinds of weapons.

While a puny lasgun or autogun might have trouble causing significant damage to a battle servitor, arming those lasguns with hot shot charges or using Manstopper rounds in the autogun will negate a significant portion of the armour that a servitor like that has. Although it would most likely take several semi-auto or full auto salvoes to take down even one such servitor.

Against a servitor you would most likely not use puny weapons like that, but rather use krak grenades, bolters, heavy bolters, missile launchers, autocannons, las cannons, plasma guns, melta weapons etc. etc.

Lasguns, autoguns, stub pistols and las pistols are intended for human targets with average human stats, not cybetnetic combat monsters like battle servitors.

I agree with Tybalt and would just add that the PCs are some of the most powerful and wealthy individuals around. They can easily get access to high end weaponry, Bolters,Plasma guns, and Meltas will be fairly common.

Also as another route to gettting through tough enemies, don't forget your accurate weapons! A few extra successes and the damage dice start adding up.

High-end melee weapons are also very powerful in this game. Two character types start off with power swords and a third has a power axe. For the others, the Senseschal's inferno pistol can make short work of nearly anything and the Navigator can use some of his powers to devastating effect. It's not too unlikely that some of the characters will use their initial Acquistion for a high-end weapon, so RT characters have several ways to even tough opponents straight from character generation.

HappyDaze said:

High-end melee weapons are also very powerful in this game. Two character types start off with power swords and a third has a power axe. For the others, the Senseschal's inferno pistol can make short work of nearly anything and the Navigator can use some of his powers to devastating effect. It's not too unlikely that some of the characters will use their initial Acquistion for a high-end weapon, so RT characters have several ways to even tough opponents straight from character generation.

Indeed. And as for powerful CC weapons, let's not forget the infamous Power Fist (or "Smashy Smashy" as we like to call it in my gaming group gran_risa.gif )

I play a Seneschal, and yes the Inferno Pistol would make short work of it. A best quality Hellgun with Pen 7 is not to be scoffed at either... especially when its overcharged :P

An arch-militant with dual bolt-pistols would likely also dismantle them rather quickly (dual shot -> after deducting armour seperately, add both damage values together for overcoming TB and inflicting damage; that's 12 remaining wounds per round on average).

That's a bit outside the starting package, but he can start off with a storm bolter...

A storm bolter can be your free starting Acquisition.

Yes, I've checked :D .

In my group I have one Militant who started with G-weapon and a powerarmor and one RT with starting gear, P-pistol and P-sword...

Met one Battle-Serv and it went down quit quickly... A H-bolter hurts but only if u hit, and a G-weapon in the hands on a Space Marine(I know, not a REAL marine) hurt even more, 2D10 + 7 in his case Pen2... plus one guy with plasma pistol and power weapon=)

Mr Adventurer said:

A storm bolter can be your free starting Acquisition.

Yes, I've checked :D .

I know, I said he could start with a Storm Bolter. What he couldn't start with is Dual Shot.

Tough fights is when you meet chaos marines with unnatural thougness and powerarmor. Or agile elders with a very high dogde/parry skill, or demons that wil battle your very will.

Having a good dogde/parry/fear resist/will is just as importent to win a tough fights as having enogh offense to hurt a enemy. I would say most of the weapons RTs start with are quit good at the offensive part.