Additional Ship Hulls and equipment....

By S.A.Harris, in Rogue Trader

I think that the Starship creation section is adequate but a little light.

I know there is a NPC ship generator in the upcoming Gamemaster Kit, however I was wondering if there are plans for a wider array of hulls in a future supplement..

Currently I am working on building a small hand full of ships for use in some fan-made campaign material and would like to see a few more options.

If anyone has any tips for creating new hulls please let me know, I think I am going to try and put together a slightly modified one this evening. Any guidance or tips would be appreciated.

Well, if you want to create different hulls, then you should check out the rules for Games Workshops Battelfleet Gothic, and correlate the data in that game with the rules in Rogue Trader (since the rules for starships and starship combat in Rogue Trader are basically an extrapolation of BFG).

Using these two resources would be the best place to start in my opinion, because many of the ship hulls described in RT can also be found in BFG (like the Dauntless Light Cruiser, the Lunar Class Cruiser, the Sword Class Frigate etc.), so it would make the issue of scale a lot easier to handle.

All the rules for BFg can be found at games workshops website under their specialist games section.

Of course, you might already be a veteran of BFG and if that's the case then this tip of mine would probably already have crossed your mind, but if you're not then it should be a nice source of useful info.

Happy number crunching! happy.gif

@ Varnias - Thanks...I just downloaded all the PDF's I could find on BFG. I will begin to go through those today and see if I can come up with some fun stuff.

@ Dalnor Surloc - I was just over there, looks like some stuff I can use..I think I am going to try to make something custom for my main ship though, I want it to be unique and special...all its own.

I already have a quick sketch of 2 ships that I am working on which will be converted to RT as soon as I can. Want the RT stats/equipment to match the drawings. I am going to convert the artwork to vector illustration so I can try a few different color schemes and some iconography though.

I just got finished with the number crunching on my first ship. I have created a new hull that it is based on. I haven't picked a name yet, or written any of the "fluff" for the new hull or my new modified ship based on it....I should be working on the back story and where they intersect with the timeline over the next few days, however, until then, here is what I have for the stat block....

I know I want to modify this a little more to compensate for it being a much older model, something that fits with a lot of history. Not necessarily lots of interaction with canon time lines but class was produced long ago in the early Imperium, not archeotech, but older production.

( this is the hull, not the finished ship )

? Light-Cruiser, ? class

Dimensions: 4km long, 0.4km abeam at fins approx.

Mass: 17 Megatonnes approx.

Crew: 57,000 crew approx.

Acceleration: 4.5 gravities max acceleration

Speed: 7

Maneuverability: +17

Detection: +20

Hull Integrity: 52

Armor: 18

Turret Rating: 1

Space: 60

SP: 50

Weapons Capacity: 1 prow, 1 Port, 1 Starboard

OP should really look at the Houes Rules subforum. Multiple ship and component threads there already.