Gloomy Side Tira / Jolly Side action + Waterfall

By guitalex2008, in UFS Rules Q & A

A question just popped into my head regarding Waterfall's continuous ability. It reads something like: "While this card is in your card pool, multiple copies get -3 damage" or so.

Let's say I play Waterfall. I play its Multiple:1. Then I either use Jolly Side action (and let's assume it deals damage) or use Gloomy Side Tira's R to discard it before we move on.

a) Does the multiple copy have the full 6 damage or 3?
b) Same question as above, but what if I somehow discard Waterfall during the enhance phase of the multiple?

In before the panic sets in.

since continuous abilities are continuous, and the damage reduction is contingent on waterfall being in the cardpool, theres no reason that the multiple wouldnt naturally be 6 if the original is not in the cardpool anymore