Official statement: when is the reprint of Well of Darkness scheduled?

By new_vision, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hey there,

a quick and easy question, as written in the topic: when do you have scheduled the reprint for "Well of Darkness" in german? The Descent community in Germany is waiting for almost a YEAR now for the reprint of Well of Darkness. Your business partner in Germany, the Heidelberger Spieleverlag, claims, that the reprint is postponed again and scheduled for sometime in 2010. What's the point of that? Obviously, the Descent franchise is bigger in Germany than anywhere else, as there are lots of people waiting for a reprint and are disappointed every time a new delay is announced.

So please, some statement from anyone official: Don't you care about german players? Is it too much work to start production of a german reprint? Or what?

I really think the "official" people won't post an answer here... If so they still have a LOT of questions open that need answering.

But for your/our sake, let's hope i'm wrong angel.gif

Well, if no answer is posted i'll probably send an email to someone official. All i want is just an answer and that should not be too difficult. Either way or another.

I was about to ask the same question on the board. I am waiting for a long time now, and sadly my group is losing interest in the game because of that. An official answer about the topic would be great. At least a hint if the english expansion is running out soon in the US. I love the game, but I really don`t think my group will wait for another year, particularly if there will be no news about a reprint.

Sadly a reprint only for the german market doesn`t seem profitable, otherwise it would be on the way long ago.

I really hope there will be any news shortly.