Dodge, Parry, Assess The situation, Guard Position, need clarification

By Nabukodoko, in WFRP Rules Questions

Hi folks,

Upon gm'ing the demo adventure, I've got questions about the defence actions. On the card we could read:

- Basic Active Defence (Dodge, Parry);

- Basic defence (Assess the situation, Guarded Position);

What those terms means ? And to they use the action for the turn a character could use ?

Also, if a pc is lower then the attacker on is initiative track, could he play one of those actions ?

If he could do that, are he gonna be able to play another action on his turn or could he only be able to do maneuvers, spnping fatigue if needed ?

Could he be able to do basic attacks instead without using action cards ?

Thanks in advance

Active defences can be played at any time. The other two are actions that must be done as an Action, as part of your turn.

Eg, regardless of whether you have acted this turn, a beastman runs at you and attacks. You can immediately say you're blocking, or parrying or dodging (or even all three), as the GM builds his dice pool, and he adds black dice accordingly.

Guarding Position and Assess are done as part of your turn, as your action for that turn, and their black dice apply until your next turn.

Yup, what monkeylite said (very well, I might add). aplauso.gif

Great, Thanks for all the answers and for the example. Clear and precise, Awesome !