Ok, there has been some debate about Double Strike vs. Troll-Feller Strike. Several people have expressed the thought that they think Double Strike is by far batter than Troll-Feller Strike. I thought I would compare them a bit, so people (including myself) can crunch some numbers are see the differences.
Ahem, gentle-actions, get into your respective corners.
[ The numbers assume the Trollslayer Kurgi from the demo, who has a 5 Str and wielding a pair of Axes that have a 5 DR. Also, ror the purposes of this comparison, I'm only going to discuss and assume a RED - Reckless stance. ]
(special) TFS prevents the use of an Active Defense. vs DS gains a
misfortune die.
TFS means the Trollslayer is more likely to get hit (assuming they could use an Active Defense card). DS means that it is less likely to hit, or if it does hit, is less likely to generate multiple successes or boons. I'd personally give this a slight edge to TFS.
(1 success *S*) TFS gains +1 damage. DS does normal damage. Kurgi does 11 with TFS and only 10 with DS. Slight favor to TFS
(2 successes *SS*) TFS gets nothing new, DS gets adding the off-hand weapon damage. TFS would still do 11, DS would do 15. Significant advantage to DS, although slightly lessened by the 1x
gained from the DS action.
(3 successes *SSS*) TFS gains +3 damage, DS gains nothing. TFS does 13, DS does 15. Edge to DS, since it still does slightly more damage, as well as requiring 1 less success (although, again, the
on the DS has a 33% chance to negate a success).
(1 boon *B*) TFS gains +1 damage and ignores your target's armor soak. DS has no single-boon line. Even though the damage boost is only a +1, the soak ignore itself will typically count as +1 to +3 more damage, making a single boon give anywhere from +2 to +4 more damage. With only a single boon. Significant edge to TFS.
(2 boons *BB*) +3 damage, +1 critical for TFS. +2 damage for DS. One more damage for TFS, plus the important critical. Significant edge to TFS.
(3 boons *BBB*) There is no 3-boon line for either. However, at 3 boons the TFS can use both the single-boon effect and the double-boon effect. In essence, +4 damage, +1 critical, and ignoring armor soak. DS is stuck with +2 damage. Significant edge to TFS.
(Comet *C*) TFS inflicts a critical, then inflicts additional wounds equal to the Critical's severity. That would be a range from 0-4.. although I think there's only a single 0 and only 2x 4s. The majority seem to be 2's and 3's. So that would be +2 damage or so. With a comet and at least 2 boons, the TFS is doing 2 criticals and +5 damage( or more). DS comet allows the Trollslayer to attack a second target in the same engagement with their primary weapon, so that's 10 damage to a different target (Assuming there is one). Significant edge to TFS (if facing a single opponent), slight edge to TFS if facing multiple opponents (IMO. making sure one goes down is slightly more important than putting wounds on another enemy).
(1 bane {B}) TFS gives 1 fatigue. DS nothing. slight edge to DS, but only slight. Remember that DS gives a
misfortune die that increases the likelihood of getting a bane.
(2 banes {BB}) TFS nothing, DS 1 fatigue. slight edge to TFS. Basically, the bane lines are a wash.
(Chaos {C}) TFS causes a wound. Ouch. DS chaos has no line, which means it counts as a bane, which means it increases the likelihood to getting 2 banes and therefore 1 fatigue. I'll still say it's an edge to DS, though, because a Wound is pretty rough.
So, if we max the positives, without comets, here's what we get:
TFS does 17 Wounds, +1 critical, and ignores all armor soak (@ 1-3 wounds).
DS does 17 Wounds.
- Edge to TFS
Add in a Comet:
TFS does 18-21 Wounds, 2 criticals, and ignores all armor soak (@ 1-3 wounds)
DS does 17 Wounds to one enemy, and 10 wounds to another
- Edge to TFS
Lastly, TFS has a recharge of 2. DS has a recharge of 0. Slight edge to DS. (It's a matter of every round or every other round).
So, if we look at them, the TFS comes out on top with every positive roll, except one that is two-successes and no boons. Now, if facing multiple weaker enemies, where 10 Wounds will kill an enemy (or thereabouts) then the DS becomes more favorable, because of the chance of the comet allowing him to take out a second enemy and the extra damage of the TFS is wasted. The criticals, though, can be crucial when gotten on a boss or big enemy to weaken him, plus for TFS. The banes are pretty much a wash, and the Chaos is a detriment to the TFS obviously. Yet, keep in mind that the majority of attacks are only a single <P> challenge die, which is a 1/8 chance of rolling a chaos symbol. Recharge is slightly against TFS, but the extra misfortune die of the DS can be crucial for even getting a single success, let alone multiple success or boon lines.
In conclusion (whew!) Although DS is a decent attack, I don't think it is nearly as powerful as people believe it to be, at least compared to the Troll-Feller Strike. I personally wouldn't call it "better" or "even as good as", TFS.
I hope this helps. Please keep comments constructive, and I realize some of the evaluations are personal preferences and beliefs.