Rune Locked Doors, Telekenisis/Grapple and Poisen Questions

By grave_scrooge, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

1) Rune Locked Doors - Can Heros who have found the key and opened the door , close it again? This would be a great strategy to keep Monsters from pouring into the Boss room while the adventurers are trying to win the game.

2) Telekenisis/Grapple -If a Hero is being grappled and the grappling Monster is targeted by Telekenisis will the grappled Hero move along with the Monster ?

3) Poisen- If a Hero has a number of poisen markers on him and he then acquires an item or ability that makes him immune to poisen, are the current markers discarded?

Thanks happy.gif

grave_scrooge said:

1) Rune Locked Doors - Can Heros who have found the key and opened the door , close it again? This would be a great strategy to keep Monsters from pouring into the Boss room while the adventurers are trying to win the game.

2) Telekenisis/Grapple -If a Hero is being grappled and the grappling Monster is targeted by Telekenisis will the grappled Hero move along with the Monster ?

3) Poisen- If a Hero has a number of poisen markers on him and he then acquires an item or ability that makes him immune to poisen, are the current markers discarded?

1) Yes, heroes with a rune key may open and close rune-locked doors. Remember that named monsters can also open and close rune-locked doors (whether the heroes have a key or not), as long as the door doesn't lead to an unrevealed area.

2) No, moving a figure does not automatically move other figures that it has grappled, or other figures that are grappling it. That could get confusing really fast. Being grappled only means that you cannot spend movement points.

3) No. As written, nothing in the game makes you immune to poison effect tokens , only to the Poison special ability (which allows figures that have it to inflict poison tokens on heroes when they wound them with an attack). That's why the trap cards that inflict poison tokens all have to say "...unless immune to Poison " on them, because they could bypass the immunity otherwise.

This also prevents the heroes from passing around one item that grants immunity to status effects and curing everyone in the party for free.