Envoy's Talent sockets

By dvang, in WFRP Rules Questions

I forgot to post this up. I don't know if it was a bad on my part, or something misprinted, or a mistake in the demo.

- My Envoy career card has 2 reputation talent sockets.

- Vaerun the Envoy in the demo adventure, per the PC sheet, has a talent called "Quick Witted".

I could not find a talent card labelled "Quick Witted", but did find one called "Quick Wits". Unfortunately, it is a Focus talent. It makes sense that "Quick Wits" (or even "Quick Witted") is a Focus talent. So, Vaerun had a talent he could not socket. We went ahead and assumed that the Envoy career has a Rep and a Focus talent socket (which made sense to us) and let him socket it. It made more sense than it being a useless talent, and we were pretty sure Quick Wits wasn't a Reputation talent.

So, am I missing something? Is there something that lets Vaerun use a Focus talent as a Rep talent? Is it a misprint on the Envoy card? Or, am I missing a "Quick Witted" talent card, that is a Rep card (and will end up being confusing with there being a "Quick Wits" focus talent)?

Did anyone else notice this?

The misprint in the demo adventure incorrectly refers to the Quick Wits talent card as Quick-Witted .

The envoy career is not misprinted. The envoy has two Reputation talent slots.

High Elves have a special race ability called Composure (WFRP rulebook p. 25). This ability grants a High Elf a free Focus talent during character creation, which does not use any creation points.

A high elf envoy could provide a nice benefit to a party with a Focus slot available...

Aha, thanks ynnen. That makes sense on why the Envoy has the talent, and why it didn't jive with stuff.

ynnen said:

The misprint in the demo adventure incorrectly refers to the Quick Wits talent card as Quick-Witted .

The envoy career is not misprinted. The envoy has two Reputation talent slots.

High Elves have a special race ability called Composure (WFRP rulebook p. 25). This ability grants a High Elf a free Focus talent during character creation, which does not use any creation points.

A high elf envoy could provide a nice benefit to a party with a Focus slot available...

oh, I like this.....

PCs could start in a role where their inherent abilities don't actually get full use; kind of like being stuck in a job you hate and feel you have no way to express youself.

To solve this you either change job (with the right type of slot in it) OR you find a group of people to hang around with that you feel comfortable with (has the right type of slot in the party sheet) and that allow you to express yourself more freely!

It really is a cool idea and every single person who played the Envoy figured out that they could add the Focus card to the Party Sheet socket before I even had to mention it. :)

I did too - made me feel all self important & leadery to which was good happy.gif