I forgot to post this up. I don't know if it was a bad on my part, or something misprinted, or a mistake in the demo.
- My Envoy career card has 2 reputation talent sockets.
- Vaerun the Envoy in the demo adventure, per the PC sheet, has a talent called "Quick Witted".
I could not find a talent card labelled "Quick Witted", but did find one called "Quick Wits". Unfortunately, it is a Focus talent. It makes sense that "Quick Wits" (or even "Quick Witted") is a Focus talent. So, Vaerun had a talent he could not socket. We went ahead and assumed that the Envoy career has a Rep and a Focus talent socket (which made sense to us) and let him socket it. It made more sense than it being a useless talent, and we were pretty sure Quick Wits wasn't a Reputation talent.
So, am I missing something? Is there something that lets Vaerun use a Focus talent as a Rep talent? Is it a misprint on the Envoy card? Or, am I missing a "Quick Witted" talent card, that is a Rep card (and will end up being confusing with there being a "Quick Wits" focus talent)?
Did anyone else notice this?