Some questions...

By Drocko, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi peeps!

Me and a couple of my friends played our first round of RtL a few days ago. And some question was brought to our attention. We have printed out the latest FaQ and have tried to read to our biggest effort to find an answer to the question ourself, but often without great success. I don't have all the question atm since we wrote them down on a computer but i still got a few of them in my head that i'd thought to ask around for :) .

First we wonderd about the gold pieces found in the dungeuon, our OL thought it was weird they gave 400gold pieces, wich in most cases is more than a chest gives. I've found an answer to that question while browsering the forums here so it was clarified :) .

But anyway. We had a hero with the necromancy ability and he had a mob ressurected from the spell and we were at the end of the dungeon. Can a hero take a ressurected monster with him/her into the next dungeon level. I/we the heroes said it was possible as long as he survives the round with a surge. The OL however did not quite agree on that.

We also had an disagreement with Furr The Spirit wolf, we all agreed that Furr should count as the heroes killing blow as it is a skill we have and a pet commanded by the hero (same goes for a ressurected necromancy pet). The rules and FaQ says that a pet does not give the heroes money as it does not count as a killing blow. But i believe we could count that as a house rule. (and that ain't really a question but...yeah :D ).

Anyway about furr, the FaQ says that Furr has to be within 5 range of the hero that commands him and also has to be in line of sight. Regarding this line of sight, does monster block the line of sight for the heros view to Furr? So if Furr is standing behind a monster the hero can not attack with furr as he does not have LOS of Furr.

The same question about an attack, can an attacker attack a monster behind another mob or does the monster infront have to be killed first (this sounds understandable but i want a clearification :P ). How about a reach attack... Lets say like this, can the hero (9) hit the Monster (N) from his locaation with the reach ability? 0 = empty space, and the 2 M are other monsters. I hope that makes sense to you :D




Can't really recall any other of the questions, but im sure they will appear sometime :P . Greatfull for any kind of answers on the questions :)

There are only two things that monsters don't block line of sight for: spawning and sweep attacks.

You may want to ask everyone if they mind letting the player who got Furr trade it in for another skill. Because it does not upgrade with tiers the campaign goes on the familiar will become more and more useless until it is unable to even bypass an enemy's armor.

I am/was actually the one with Furr, and saying it will be crap for not bypassing armor is not completley true, as it ignors armor in its attack.

So basically you can't make the attack with the reach weapon since 1 mob is blocking LOS to the other, and basically furr can't stand on a target to attack it since the mob itself will block my LOS to Furr. That makes furr alot worse than he should be, and i wonder if thats even intended. As Furr is already limited to be within 5 spaces of the hero.....guess i picked the wrong skill afterall :(

Drocko said:

1. But anyway. We had a hero with the necromancy ability and he had a mob ressurected from the spell and we were at the end of the dungeon. Can a hero take a ressurected monster with him/her into the next dungeon level. I/we the heroes said it was possible as long as he survives the round with a surge. The OL however did not quite agree on that.

2, We also had an disagreement with Furr The Spirit wolf, we all agreed that Furr should count as the heroes killing blow as it is a skill we have and a pet commanded by the hero (same goes for a ressurected necromancy pet). The rules and FaQ says that a pet does not give the heroes money as it does not count as a killing blow. But i believe we could count that as a house rule. (and that ain't really a question but...yeah :D ).

3. Anyway about furr, the FaQ says that Furr has to be within 5 range of the hero that commands him and also has to be in line of sight. Regarding this line of sight, does monster block the line of sight for the heros view to Furr? So if Furr is standing behind a monster the hero can not attack with furr as he does not have LOS of Furr.

4. The same question about an attack, can an attacker attack a monster behind another mob or does the monster infront have to be killed first (this sounds understandable but i want a clearification :P ). How about a reach attack... Lets say like this, can the hero (9) hit the Monster (N) from his locaation with the reach ability? 0 = empty space, and the 2 M are other monsters. I hope that makes sense to you :D

1. There is no mechanism for moving necromancied monsters between levels. They can't use glyphs, they can't enter the portal and there is also no mechanism for setting them up on the next level. Sorry, the answer pretty much has to be you can't keep them.

2. FAQ pg8
Q: If the Leader of a level dies without any hero landing the killing blow, does the party still receive the reward (Conquest, Gold, Red Runekey)? What about Lieutenants: if a Lieutenant dies without any hero landing the killing blow, does the party still receive the reward for "killing" the Lieutenant?
A: Yes they do.
Although I agree with you about it being a skill etc, unfortunately, the rules are quite clear. Pets cannot give killing blows. But this does not matter much for RtL as the only thing you need Killing Blows for is the 50 coins for killing an unnamed Master.

3. Correct. Monsters block LOS. Yes, Furr sucks completely.

4. No, Reach must still have LOS and monsters block LOS.

Drocko said:

I am/was actually the one with Furr, and saying it will be crap for not bypassing armor is not completley true, as it ignors armor in its attack.

I never noticed he ignores armor. However, he does at most 3 damage, meaning he is unable to kill any but the weakest monsters. As the tiers go up and monsters get more health, the usefulness of his damage will be less and less.

Then again, that won't matter if the campaign ends in early silver with a sieged Tamalir, like so many others seem to.

I used Furr in a dungeon not in RTL, but found him fairly useful, actually if you keep him with the hero, and are doing battle actions against 2 monsters if you don't kill the 1st monster with your 1st attack, target the 2nd monster with your 2nd attack and let furr deal with the remaining health points on the 1st monster ( assuming it has less than 3 health points left, remember that Furr ignores armour)

I agree not much use in RTL as the monsters get upgraded.