Character creation

By theclash24, in Dark Heresy General Discussion

Do I apply all aptitudes and all skills and talents when making a character or choose one of each? There seems to be a lot of stuff when it comes to making a character.

Edited by theclash24

Sorry, I'm not sure if I'm understanding the question.

You choose one Homeworld, one Background, and one Role; then you get whatever aptitudes, skills, talents, starting equipment, and special abilities are listed for each one that you chose. Sometimes the listing will give you a choice between two or more things; in that case, you pick the one that you want.

My apologies if I've completely misunderstood what you're asking.

You take all and when skill is doubled you gain a level in it. When Aptitude is doubled, though, you choose another one connected to the same characteristic.

Ok sorry it was sorta hard to communicate what I meant since I really struggled understanding the character creation in the first place- but you both answered it completely thanks!