Why on eath would I play a mission like ground assault on my opponents objective? I dropped it on an objective the other night and was excited that I had already damaged the objective by half, having the extra damage to all my opponent's units and objectives in play would have been great and the my opponent pointed out the five printed in the left hand corner of the box that he said added five more health to the objective, essentially doubling the health of his objective....the cost/return seems a little high for that. Can someone explain what im doing wrong, or is it just a horrifically hard mission to complete.
Edited by tradingyesterdayMissions are a little confusing...why even play them?
Hi. Missions are not played onto an existing objective. They are played as an EXTRA objective. So when you play one, it's like your opponent has 4 objectives for you to attack instead of 3.
Thank you Kostip, that makes so much more sense. Just out of curiosity, the missions when destroyed retain classification of "mission" and do not count toward the 3 objective win for rebels, or an increase in the death star dial for the imperials correct?
Edited by tradingyesterdayNo, they count as an objective on your victory pile, so they factor into the 3 obj win for LS, and DS dial increase for DS.
There is a rules insert present in each Endor cycle pack, between plastic and cardboard, detailing in/out of faction terminology, and mission rules.
You can find a scanned copy here : http://www.cardgamedb.com/forums/index.php?/topic/29345-mission-rules/#entry230121
since it seems it is not available to download on the game's official page.
Edited by medfreemanThe rules insert itself isn't available for download, but the rules from it are available to download in the FAQ .
Thank u all, very helpful info and links. One last objective related question I have is the term "enters play" what is the general ruling for choosing an objective that allows you to do x "when this objectve enters play" specifically if this objective is a chosen as a starting objective. When do I trigger the "enter play" can I activate the x function even if im the light side player and dark side gets the first turn?
At the beginning of the game, objectives enter play as they are revealed. DS player reveals their objectives first, one at a time, then LS player reveals their objectives.