Command phase question

By muskett32, in Star Wars: Rebellion

Just need clarification. During command phase, can you reveal a mission AND activate a system? Or is it just one or the other?

Each leader is either assigned to a mission or left ready in the leader pool. Once the command phase starts, leaders on missions cannot activate systems, and leaders in the mission pool cannot do missions. All that has to be plotted out before hand.

Just need clarification. During command phase, can you reveal a mission AND activate a system? Or is it just one or the other?

The players take turns doing ONE of those two options. On each turn, you can EITHER activate a system OR reveal a mission; then your opponent chooses one; then back to you for another; and so forth until both players pass.

Leaders in the pool can activate systems or oppose missions. When it is your turn you will either choose a leader on a mission (which was assigned in the assignment phase) and attempt/resolve that mission, or you will take a leader from the pool and activate a system..

Got it. Makes sense. Thanks for the clarification. Can't wait to play it.