Onslaught at Arda I conversion to EotE

By RusakRakesh, in Game Masters

Specifically episode 1, act 3 Special Operations. I would like to remake the imperial attack to a Corporate Black Ops raid.

I am having a writer's block for the first time this year... My F&D campaign is very mixed, with a rebel base about to get attacked by their political rivals.

How would you convert the encounter?

Edited by RusakRakesh

Still looking for ideas! LeBump!

You can keep the stats as written, but only rename the vehicles and soldiers. The imperial walker could be replaced by republic walkers which now used by mercenary armies.

You can keep the stats as written, but only rename the vehicles and soldiers. The imperial walker could be replaced by republic walkers which now used by mercenary armies.

Or, if you have Special Modifications, any starship with walker legs as its landing gear! :unsure:

Hrmm.. an EotE revamp...

My revamp was along running an imperial campaign, and the PC's assault the terrorists that have to pull back.

Have to think about how to run this as an EotE, easist way off the top of my head is the PC's are muscle/authorities, raiding a well financially backed pirate/slaver/smuggle shadowport. first there is the actual fight. then the investigation into who/what is backing the operation.

I am certain I want the PCs to arrive to base in air, like originally. I actually thought through it, walkers are too imperial, so I am replacing that "eminent super attack" timer. Probably replace by bombardment or battle cruisers showdown in the atmosphere skies... the ground raid itself is really easy. Going to scare my players with black ops spies disguised as a "clone trooper X" pirate gang

Edited by RusakRakesh