Appropriate stats for Theodosias legs?

By Darth Smeg, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions

So my players decided to keep Theo's legs after the showdown at the temple on Ambulon. (Purge the Unclean)

The tech-priest has been salviating (or should that be Dripping Sacred Oil?) over these for a while, looking for the proper facilities for performing the necessary rituals of sanctification and integration to replace his weak flesh for this good quality Trueflesh.

Or is it? These bionics come from the Serrated Query. Are they built along lines that the Cult of Mechanicus would frown on? If so: why? If not: what sort of stats should they grant?

Theo got to take 2 Full actions each round, but then there was more than just the legs that were special there. He got to walk on walls... Nice!

A standard, good-quality bionic locomotion system grants the Sprint talent and +20 on Leap/jump tests. This seems a bit low considering what Theo pulled off.


Darth Smeg said:

So my players decided to keep Theo's legs after the showdown at the temple on Ambulon. (Purge the Unclean)

The tech-priest has been salviating (or should that be Dripping Sacred Oil?) over these for a while, looking for the proper facilities for performing the necessary rituals of sanctification and integration to replace his weak flesh for this good quality Trueflesh.

Or is it? These bionics come from the Se Query. Are they built along lines that the Cult of Mechanicus would frown on? If so: why? If not: what sort of stats should they grant?

Theo got to take 2 Full actions each round, but then there was more than just the legs that were special there. He got to walk on walls... Nice!

A standard, good-quality bionic locomotion system grants the Sprint talent and +20 on Leap/jump tests. This seems a bit low considering what Theo pulled off.


Declare the legs as proscribed xeno-tech and if your tech-priest is caught using them, he will be seen as a heretic. The Se Query are known for their dealings in heretical goods and any acolyte that respects his position in the Ordos wouldn't consider using them, lest he be caught and executed accordingly. When I ran that module, the scum in our group tried to leave the space hulk with a splinter rifle looted from a dark-eldar and was prevented by the space marine accompanying them. The Astartes informed the scum's Inquisitor and the character was removed from the group for 6 months for 're-education' in the Bastion Serpentis. He returned without ANY of his gear and 10 more Insanity points, lol.

If it is going to be a pain for you to convert the stats for the legs, remember that YOU are the Inquisition to your players and they should be reminded sometimes.

In my group the Techpriest and the Cadian Guardsmen virtually competed to be the first to declare Theo to be heretical in thought, deed and form. The Cadian is the team's prime and the Techpriest is the undisputed authority of the group where tech is concerned, so there was absolutely no problem like that for us. Unless the weak-minded Techpriest plans on implanting those mega-complex augmetics into himself without any anesthesia and a safely reduced heartrate, no Omnisiah-respecting Techpriest is going to implant those legs for you. Can you say self-inflicted death on the surgical table? Even if successful in an ill-advised self-implantation, that would certainly lead to a complicated recovery process.... More than enough time for a Skitarii kill-team to find the bedridden heretech!

Well, if he wants to start down the dark path of the Heretek, then who am I to stop him? Muhahahahhaaahaahhahaaaaaaa :)

Darth Smeg said:

So my players decided to keep Theo's legs after the showdown at the temple on Ambulon. (Purge the Unclean)

The tech-priest has been salviating (or should that be Dripping Sacred Oil?) over these for a while, looking for the proper facilities for performing the necessary rituals of sanctification and integration to replace his weak flesh for this good quality Trueflesh.

Or is it? These bionics come from the Serrated Query. Are they built along lines that the Cult of Mechanicus would frown on? If so: why? If not: what sort of stats should they grant?

Theo got to take 2 Full actions each round, but then there was more than just the legs that were special there. He got to walk on walls... Nice!

A standard, good-quality bionic locomotion system grants the Sprint talent and +20 on Leap/jump tests. This seems a bit low considering what Theo pulled off.


Actually, I think two full actions for one NPC/PC is a major breach of the game mechanics. Simply put, no matter how fast the NPC/PC is, he or she should only be accorded only one full action. And the difference between the fast- and slow-acting NPC/PCs is the amount of actions they can do in one full action (like Swift Attack or Wall of Steel, etc.).

These two actions are yet another flaw of this scenario, I reckon. So I woud not ever allow my PCs to take advantage of this inconsistency.

Hope that helps.

They probably meant using the hip shooting talent anyway without a restriction to the firing arc while on the move as would be normal if one was a human without the possibility to rotate the upper part of the body around the hip. Just bear in mind he has hip shooting and reread the passage. They specifically talk about double moves and shooting. That's hip shooting. With the special that he can move forward while looking and shooting back. No running and shooting. No two full actions. Which is entirely reasonable considering he's no mojo NPC or anything.

Chester said:

They probably meant using the hip shooting talent anyway without a restriction to the firing arc while on the move as would be normal if one was a human without the possibility to rotate the upper part of the body around the hip. Just bear in mind he has hip shooting and reread the passage. They specifically talk about double moves and shooting. That's hip shooting. With the special that he can move forward while looking and shooting back. No running and shooting. No two full actions. Which is entirely reasonable considering he's no mojo NPC or anything.

The problem is that they specifically say on p26: "two full actions". This is the conceptual misunderstanding of the core mechanics.

On the other hand, I can undertsand where this comes from: the action points. Me too, I like them, but it's Dark Heresy, and no such a thing as action points.

I would give the legs:

1.) Full Movement with only a Half-Action

2.) Climb Wall Ability (because it's a mechanical "Climb Wall Ability" it would need a sturdy wall,e.g. stone, that can hold the weight of the PC + the legs and it would damage the wall. This means the PC wouldn't do it everywhere.)

A DM from Germany cool.gif


This seems much more fair, even if the GM would allow to salvage these legs from Theodosia.

I dunno...

I figured the "Full Move + Whatever Full Action ya like" to be a combination of legs, arms, body and head augmentation Theo had. By twisting around and bending his arms backwards he could move as normal, whil being able to shoot as if he wasn't moving.

I don't see the legs on their own giving the same freedom of movement.