Concerned by the lack of upcoming books

By jivjov, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

As recently as November 2015, we've had multiple sourcebooks in various stages of announced production.

At that time, my list was:

1 for Edge of the Empire: Mask of the Pirate Queen (Adventure)
2 for Age of Rebellion: Strongholds of Resistance (Location) and Lead by Example (Commander supplement)
3 for Force and Destiny: Chronicles of the Gatekeeper (Adventure), Keeping the Peace (Guardian supplement), and Nexus of Power (Location)

As of now, all 6 of those books have been released, as well as Special Modifications; and we only have one book left in the announced production pipeline; Savage Spirits.

Should this be a source of concern? We still have 1 more EotE, 3 more AoR, and 4 more F&D career supplement books left to "complete" the line; but the lack of new news is starting to make me worry that we've hit the diminishing returns point on RPG supplements and that FFG isn't making as many of them...

Should we be Concerned or that FFG has stopped making supplements for their SWRPG Lines? No, we really shouldn't be at that frame of mind. I would give it at least another full month without any news before we start looking for signs of something wrong. I have no doubt there are more things in development, but the real question is at what stage. On the site none of their RPG's have anything in development listed. SO i would think that they are probably behind on those updates, or at a point the do not want to put that out there yet.

Not to pooh-pooh your concerns, but this exact topic crops up every 6 months or so. My advice now is the same as it always has been:


(subtitle: It is said that despite its many glaring (and occasionally fatal) inaccuracies, the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy itself has outsold the Encyclopedia Galactica because it is slightly cheaper, and because it has the words 'DON'T PANIC' in large, friendly letters on the cover.)

I assure you, books coming.

Why would anyone be concerned? They are still reprinting the core book because it keeps selling out. They only announce books when it's pretty much completed. That doesn't mean that they aren't writing anything though. I wouldn't worry.

I can neither confirm nor deny what, if any, book(s) are in, and/or have completed play testing.........however I personally have a high degree of confidence they are there..........

Edited by 2P51

I would think, if anyone, a pirate would have little use for an NDA...

The sky is falling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Possibly not, though. It seems to be a bit of a dry period but we've had a lot recently, a few coming all together.

It would be nice to see what else is in the pipeline, sure, but I'm optimistic.

If the Seeker book comes out and there's no more news for several months, then maybe we can talk about it going the way of WHFRP3.

But I think we'll see the Bounty Hunter book and most of the AoR line, at the very least. I would love it if all the career books were eventually done.

I'm actually happy for the little break. They've pumped out a lot of books since last summer. My pocket book can use a little break. I'm sure there will be more to come soon.

I think it is likely that they slowed down partially due to market saturation, and partially to work on Rebellion, X-wing, Armada, and all the other Star Wars lines. If they pump it out too fast, too many people start picking and choosing.

They still have to come out with a minimum of 8 more books. Each career has its own sourcebook and we are still missing 1 from Edge, 3 from Age, and 4 from Force.

Also the amount of region/theme specific sourcebooks are nearly infinite, as are the adventure modules.

I'm really hoping for a clone wars era sourcebook but I'm curious about the politics behind the game. They claim that all the game take place between movies 3-4 but Force obviously happenes during 1-3.

The same goes for an episode 7 version of the game. I would buy a new core for that!

I'm just happy that Super Secret Beta Testers can confirm we're still on track with new hotness. Do people still say hotness?

Couple of things: I have no doubt that there are new books in the pipeline, my guess is that they just don't have enough completed to do an announcement yet. But it's not nearly time to be worried.

Also, how does one go about applying to be a Super Secret Beta Tester?

Thats classified son...

And it's not like the AoR and F&D books aren't 100% compatible...

Considering I play RPGs where the Publisher struggle to release 1 new supplement each year, I find these threads laughable. Jivijov, You dont realize how Lucky we are to have this license in the hand of FFG.

Edited by vilainn6

Considering I play RPGs where the Publisher struggle to release 1 new supplement each year, I find these threads laughable. Jivijov, You dont realize how Lucky we are to have this license in the hand of FFG.

Since this is the same license that WotC had (and WEG before that), I believe the license has requirements on amount of material produced per year. FFG is getting to reach that thanks to having more than just the RPG (as WotC did by having the miniatures game to supplement the books they were putting out). So, FFG could lose the license early or be unable to renew if they don't keep putting out stuff, heheh.

Considering I play RPGs where the Publisher struggle to release 1 new supplement each year, I find these threads laughable. Jivijov, You dont realize how Lucky we are to have this license in the hand of FFG.

Oh I know that overall we are incredibly lucky to have things in the hands of FFG...I just don't want to be in a situation where a couple years from now I go to start up a new campaign and have to tell my players "Okay, so pick from only about half the careers in the game; the rest don't have Signature Abilities or all 6 Specs and never will". (The 'never will' being a key distinction from what I would say to someone wanting to play, say, a Bounty Hunter today)

I'm actually happy for the little break. They've pumped out a lot of books since last summer. My pocket book can use a little break. I'm sure there will be more to come soon.

Yeah; back to back releases of Nexus of Power and Special Modifications (both books I was very hyped for and not willing to let sit at my FLGS for any longer than necessary) was rough on the paycheck. That said; FFG's got this multi-tiered list of stages of production on a product; we don't have anything new for the RPG in the announced 'In Development' stage any more.

Not to pooh-pooh your concerns, but this exact topic crops up every 6 months or so. My advice now is the same as it always has been:


(subtitle: It is said that despite its many glaring (and occasionally fatal) inaccuracies, the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy itself has outsold the Encyclopedia Galactica because it is slightly cheaper, and because it has the words 'DON'T PANIC' in large, friendly letters on the cover.)

Roger that; commencing anti-panic.

There is only one career book left for Edge of the Empire. Remember that the three game lines came out a year apart. Many of us buy more than one of these seperate, yet compatible, game lines. A slower release schedule is good for gamers on a budget.

There is only one career book left for Edge of the Empire. Remember that the three game lines came out a year apart. Many of us buy more than one of these seperate, yet compatible, game lines. A slower release schedule is good for gamers on a budget.

The release schedule isn't what concerns me; it is the production schedule. We went from having a half a dozen books in all stages from In Development all the way through Shipping Now...and now we're down to one.

I'm all for a slower calendar of actual releases; one book a month would be great! But going off of FFG's public list of Things In Development, there's only one book left on the horizon and it is at the At the Printer stage.

While I know that FFG is obviously working on things that just haven't been announced yet; it feels very odd to go from so many things Confirmed and Known to having so few.

Five or six books a year is probably my ideal speed. One every other month or so. This allows me to pick them all up without having to justify a sudden glut of spending to my lovely wife.

Five or six books a year is probably my ideal speed. One every other month or so. This allows me to pick them all up without having to justify a sudden glut of spending to my lovely wife.

I'm so happy that my wife is a nerd too; between amiibo and FFG Books; a lot of our disposable cash goes to very nerdy pursuits.

It seems silly to worry about this just as a book is releasing. In the highly unlikely event they don't bring anything to GenCon, then you have cause to worry.

Five or six books a year is probably my ideal speed. One every other month or so. This allows me to pick them all up without having to justify a sudden glut of spending to my lovely wife.

I'm so happy that my wife is a nerd too; between amiibo and FFG Books; a lot of our disposable cash goes to very nerdy pursuits.

My wife is also. She's just a more fiscally responsible nerd then I.

My speculation on why there is a break? All three core books have been in reprint, along with a bunch of source books. AoR is shipping now, with Strongholds and Lords of Nal Hutta re-prints. FaD is on the boat, with Keeping the Peace and Chronicles reprints. and EotE is at the Printers, with Savage spirits. Thats a ton of printing going on there, and it may be that the printers are the limiting factor with only a certain amount available to the FFG SWRPG line. FFG may be unwilling to pass the product to another printing company too due to QA fears, or is unable for contractual agreements.

The other factor is it appears the RPG department use the "In Development" very rarely these days, possibly because they feel the time it takes from printers to customers is long enough announcement time for any product. In fact the only department that is using the In Development status appears to be the LCG group.