Might as well just use one thread for all the questions that are to come...
So, we just bought the box set and have had a few games with my son. After a couple of games, here are the questions we come up with:
1. What happens if both players are tied on the Edge battle? Who gets priority?
2. In one round, one player can only draw the exact number of cards then his command deck is empty. Can he still play that round?
3. In one round, one player is one or two cards short of a full hand (ie, he can only draw up to 4 or 5 cards instead of 6 cards). Can he still play that round?
4. Does the Empire player automatically win once his dial gets to or past 12? Or do they still have to play that round?
5. How can a card have more than one focus token on it? This question came about due to cards like The Hand's Blessing and Darth Vader. I know there are some cards that "hit" another for a focus token, but can players willingly activate their card more than once and end up with more than one focus token?
6. With the Black Squadron Assault objective card, if I used it to generate a resource this round, can I still activate it for it's Action effect?
I'm sure more questions will come soon... thanks in advance for any help!