Return to Mirkwood - solo

By CroydonAragorn, in Player community

After weeks of trying with mono sphere decks unsuccessfully, I relented and used a tri-sphere deck and beat this quest (just) first time.

I used Aragorn (Core Set), Eowyn & Denethor.

I think if you're playing solo, Denethor is an auto-include for this quest. It enabled me to "cancel" two "Attercop, Attercop"s

I didn't draw "Henamarth Riversong". He is a devastating combo ally for Denethor in solo play.

I also didn't draw Gandalf.

However, I did draw "The Galadhrim's Greeting" and then used "Dwarven Tomb" to use it again.

I also used "Strider's Path" and "West Road Traveller" to ping "The East Bight" out of being an active location three times which really helped me.

I made a few mistakes along the way and beat the game on round 9 with a threat of 49!!!! (EEEEEEKKKKK!!!)

If I'd drawn an enemy on that last encounter card, I would probably have been toast.

Anyways, I think I built a really good deck of 54 cards. If you want details, let me know!!!!

Happy questing!!!

Glad you defeated the quest! 49 threat? You can't cut it any closer then that.

Great report and a good win!

I find it hard not to go tri sphere for many quests, gotten too used to it.

Great report and a good win!

I find it hard not to go tri sphere for many quests, gotten too used to it.

I have been playing for less than a year and feel I don't have the experience to build a good tri-sphere deck. Most of the time I use Heroes from the same sphere and build in other cards using songs. Sometimes, I think more about deck building than actually playing the game!!! Haha!!! But I'm a nerd and enjoy trying to devise cunning ways to beat the game.

I find tri sphere to be easier as you have more varied cards open to you. Whenever I look at dual sphere, I just cant build around losing cards such as Eowyn, galadhrims greetings, lorien guide, steward of gondor, celebrians stone, dwarrowdelf axe, citadel plate, feint etc so I rely on them too much and go trisphere.
