Converting Act 1 Encounters To Act 2 (& Vice-Versa)

By blondbeard, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I'm running a custom campaign, and considering converting some encounters from one act to the other. Aside from using the appropriate monster cards (Act 2 instead of Act 1) is there anything else to look out for?

Some thoughts:

  • Some encounters take a monster and give it say "2 additional HP per hero". In an Act 2 quest this might need to be boosted.
  • Are Act 2 encounters made more difficult through terrain/map layout - or is the primary difficulty change simply the different monster cards?

Any thoughts welcome.

There are many encounter 2's of quests that have modifications based on the winner of encounter 1. So you will have to take this stuff into account. While this is not insurmountable I suppose, finding a balance may be difficult.

There are many encounter 2's of quests that have modifications based on the winner of encounter 1. So you will have to take this stuff into account. While this is not insurmountable I suppose, finding a balance may be difficult.

Definitely an issue if splitting any of the two-encounter quests apart. For my purposes I'm going to focus on taking either single-encounter quests and converting them up or down, or if taking a two-encounter quest, converting the whole thing.